Published By: Sanjukta

7 workouts that feel tougher than they are

Here we have a list of the most dreaded workouts.

Ever walked into the gym with a spring in your step and a can-do attitude, only to see your workout plan and feel the life drain out of you? We’ve all been there. You start off full of enthusiasm, ready for a great workout session, but then you remember that today is leg day or, worse, burpee day. Suddenly, the idea of curling up on the couch with a pint of ice cream seems infinitely more appealing.

Welcome to the hall of fame of the most dreaded exercises. These are the moves that haunt your dreams, the ones that make you consider taking up knitting instead of working out. They’re the exercises that, despite their reputation for being the ultimate fitness builders, make you reconsider working out. Burpees, hitting cardio with stairmaster, and yes, the infamous wall-sit. Exercises that make you question if time is moving at all, if your muscles or your discipline is strong enough to get through a minute of these.

If you relate to these, you have chosen to relive the struggle on a regular basis. If you are new, you have been warned.

These are the exercises that sound easy enough but are way tougher when they are perfumed.


Who knew staying still could feel like an extreme sport?

Planking: the art of making time slow down while your core cries for mercy. "How hard can it be to just stay still?" you wonder. But after a few seconds, your entire body starts trembling like a leaf in a storm, Suddenly, every second feels like a minute, and you start questioning why you ever thought this was a good idea. The real kicker is when you look up at the clock and realize only 10 seconds have passed, and you still have 50 more to go.


Burpees: the fitness world's cruel joke.

It starts off easy enough: squat, kick your legs back, push-up, jump. But by the third one, you’re ready to lie down and never get up again. Burpees are the ultimate deceivers—they look simple on paper but turn into a full-body rebellion. You’ll be gasping for breath, drenched in sweat, and wondering who invented this torture. By the tenth burpee, your legs are on fire, your arms are jelly, and you’re silently cursing whoever thought coming up with this workout is a good idea.  

Wall Sits

"Just lean against the wall and sit," they said.

"It'll be easy," they said.

But after a few seconds, your legs start burning like you’ve been running a marathon. You glance at the clock, praying for time to move faster, but it doesn't. Wall sits are the sneaky leg workout that makes you wish walls didn't exist. The feeling of your quads turning to stone and your knees wobbling uncontrollably is enough to make you rethink your fitness goals.

Bulgarian Split Squats

Bulgarian split squats: the one-legged cry-while-you-workout exercise

Bulgarian split squats, the leg exercise from the depths of fitness hell. With one leg perched on a bench behind you and the other doing all the work, it’s a balance nightmare. After a few reps, your quads and glutes are burning, and your ego is bruised from almost toppling over. It’s the kind of exercise that looks harmless until you’re midway through and seriously thinking of wrapping up leg day and going home.

Stair Machine

Stair machine: the cruel reminder that you're not moving forward in life

Ah, the stair machine, aka the escalator to nowhere. Climbing an endless flight of stairs might sound easy, but within minutes, your legs feel like lead, and you're drenched in sweat. Each step becomes a battle of willpower as you resist the urge to stop and catch your breath. The worst part? You're not even going anywhere. It's just you, the machine, and your burning quads, making you wonder if you should have taken the elevator after all.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers: when running isn't painful enough, do it horizontally

Mountain climbers sound adventurous and fun until you realize you're just stuck in a plank position, rapidly switching your legs back and forth. Your heart is pounding, your abs are burning, and you’re sweating buckets. The only mountain you’re climbing is the steep hill of self-doubt as you wonder if this exercise will ever end. It's like running a marathon on your hands and toes—utterly exhausting and strangely addictive.


Thrusters: the perfect blend of weightlifting and cardio misery

Thrusters combine a front squat with an overhead press, and they are deceptively brutal. You start with a barbell at your shoulders, squat down, then explosively push the weight overhead as you stand up. Sounds simple, right? Except that by the fifth rep, your legs are quaking, your shoulders are screaming, and your lungs feel like they’re about to collapse. It’s a full-body attack that leaves you questioning why you decided to lift weights in the first place.