Published By: Soham Halder

3,600 Food Packaging Chemicals Found in Human Bodies: Exploring Consequences & Safer Choices

Advanced research showed hidden threats associated with packaged foods!

Over 3,600 chemicals have been detected in human bodies, which came into the system through food packaging. These are not always found in the nature, however got detected in our blood stream. Few of them are extremely hazardous, while others are currently being investigated for potential side effects. In this article, we will get into the details of these harmful chemicals, their impact and safer approaches to follow.

Silent Intruders:

The lead author, Birgit Geueke from the Food Packaging Forum Foundation (FPFF) revealed: “around 100 of these chemicals are considered a high concern to human health. Some of these chemicals, like PFAS and bisphenol A, are relatively well-studied and have already been found in human bodies”.

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PFAS stands for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances. They are also known as ‘Forever Chemicals’, a large chemical family consisting more than 10,000 highly persistent chemicals that are not generally found in nature. As per recent study, PFAS are most persistent synthetic chemicals discovered till date.

Some other detected chemicals are Bisphenol A (BPA), a hormone-disrupting element used to make plastics. Some amounts of phthalates were also detected.

Previously, the researchers informed about 14,000 Food Contact Chemicals (FCCs) being migrated into the food from packaging of paper, glass, plastics and metals. The chemicals might also come from utensils or conveyor belts

"This work highlights the fact that food contact materials are not fully safe, even though they may comply with regulations,” said Jane Muncke, senior author of the study at the press conference.

Toxic Wrap - Hidden Dangers:

According to recent study by University of Birmingham researchers, forever chemicals like PFAS, can be easily absorbed through human skin causing numerous health issues. It can directly interfere with diverse biochemical processes including disruption of immune system. Some reports have mentioned carcinogenic effects of these chemicals. BPA is believed to cause hormonal abnormalities and DNA damage.

From heart disease, inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS), rheumatoid arthritis to genotoxicity along with chronic and autoimmune diseases can be caused due to exposure to these chemicals.

Ditch the Danger:

Are we getting the safe foods? Are those dishes prepared with utmost care? As a responsible human being, we can only minimize unnecessary exposure to food packaging chemicals.

As a consumer, the most effective strategy would be stop using plastic containers to keep food items. Don't store hot items in plastic as it increases the risks of chemical leaching in the food. The most sustainable alternatives are glass and steel containers.

Controlling high-fat food is another effective strategy as chemicals get easy pathway to enter cholesterol-enriched foods. Because, major chemicals are fat-soluble.

Focus on eating fresh food replacing highly processed items. Processed items are always packaged ones containing high amount of phthalate byproducts.


(Credit - X/@Tony11Sim)

It's our responsibility to smartly choose the utensils used in kitchen. Ditch those plastic cutting boards and use stainless steel, wooden or silicone tools. Also, stop consuming water from plastic bottle which may enhance the risks of microplastics contamination. Use only glass or steel bottles.

It's nearly impossible to stay away from these food packaging chemicals, but a few small and strategic shifts can genuinely help.