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World Chocolate Day: Embrace Chocolate-inspired Beauty Treatment for Glowing Skin

Imagine integrating heavenly essence of chocolate in your wellness routine along with satisfying taste buds!

Having a tough day in office and looking for a relaxing sleep? You just need chocolate treatment. The rich sweet chocolate melting in mouth might be one of the best feelings ever. Psychologically, chocolate has a positive impact on human mind. But, I'm not talking about eating chocolate. We are suggesting some chocolate-infused skin care routine on this world chocolate day. Let's discuss about those beauty hacks.

Chocolate Facial Mask:

You might have tried different varieties of spa. But have you tried chocolate spa? It's highly soothing and relaxing. The antioxidating effect of cocoa revitalizes human body and mind. It's equally mood-lifting. With cocoa powder, honey and cream, you need to apply this facial mask for 15 minutes and rinse it off with water.

Chocolate Body Scrub:

With cocoa powder, sugar and coconut oil, you can prepare a perfect homemade chocolate body scrub. Gently massage the preparation in a circular motion throughout the body. After keeping it for sometime, rinse it off in a shower. It's suggested to use dark chocolate which contains higher amount of flavonoids.

Chocolate Bubble Bath:

This is a refreshing way to start or end your day. You need to combine one cup of bubble bath with 1/3 cup of soy milk in a 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Remember, both soy milk and cocoa powder must be of unsweetened variety. Mix the combination well and pour it with running water in a bathtub. Enjoy a chocolate-infused relaxing bath.

Chocolate Lip Balm:

We use different varieties of lip balm in winter season, however, chocolate lip balm might potentially give the best results for your skin. You can even prepare this in your home with cocoa butter, chocolate chips and coconut oil. Let the ingredients melt and form a great concoction. Use it after it becomes cool.

Chocolate Hair Mask:

Suffering from hairfall and looking for solutions? Here's an effective strategy. Use homemade chocolate hair mask. You can prepare it with cocoa powder, honey and coconut oil. Mix it well and apply on your hair. Leave it for 30 minutes and take a bath. Let the chocolate provide nourishment to your hair.

Chocolate Foot Soak:

We often forget to take proper care of our foot which leads to dryness or roughness. One effective and homemade approach is to soak your foot in chocolate. In warm water, add powdered milk and cocoa powder and mix it well. Once the mixture becomes smooth, keep both your legs there. Let your legs soak the essence of chocolate.

Chocolate Body Lotion:

By using cocoa butter, chocolate, and coconut oil, you can prepare chocolate body lotion in your home. Let the mixture melt totally and apply on your body after it becomes cool. Similarly, you can prepare and use chocolate hand cream.

Chocolate enhances endorphins secretion from the body which helps in reducing stress and headache. Moreover, chocolate prevent oxidative damage and collagen reduction. Due to high amount of cocoa, it prevents your skin from sun damage. Moreover, regular use of chocolate can increase skin density and blood flow. Some research reports have also mentioned about scar-healing properties of chocolate due to presence of omega-6 fatty acids.

The chocolate-inspired beauty treatments is simply a symphony for senses providing a mixture of relaxation and luxury.