Works of art that can inspire you to nurture your artistic self

“Art is when you hear a knocking from your soul and you answer”. The stronger your answer, the more it will grab the hearts of millions.

The world loves to appreciate the aestheticism of art, as a result billions of dollars of art passes through international auction houses and the art lovers are obsessed with getting them added to their collections. But a few of them achieved something more which are worthy enough to call them classics. From the ancient to the contemporary time, we have a handful of them which we’ll discuss in today’s article. So, let’s look at some world’s best work of art –

Mona Lisa, the mysterious woman with a unique expression

Undoubtedly, this imaginary woman with her charming smile has achieved to be the most renowned work of art since ages. Some believed that the sitter is real, the wife of Florence merchant Francesco Del Giocondo but still experts are in doubt. This masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci represented an innovation in art which was first installed in the year 1804. 

The Last Supper, by the only renaissance man

Leonardo da Vinci, the Renaissance man is the only one who comes twice in this list. As the name suggests, it depicted the last meal of Jesus with his disciples before crucifixion. It was drawn at that time when religion was the dominant part of the society.

The Starry Night, abstract but innovative

Do you know that Van Gogh was in asylum when he drew this painting? And this was the view from his window. Though it’s abstract, it shows the innovative faculty of a mentally unstable man and the way he used thick brushstrokes to portray a dreamy starry atmosphere of a village. Therefore, it has fascinated art lovers since ages.

Guernica, the most recent one in this list

It is a lively example of anti- war art as it portrays the devastated town, Guernica after the attack of Germany during world war. It has Picasso’s distinctive style which was an essential part in 20th century culture and history.

In this way art has been and is still celebrated in all the corners of the world and thus proves that “Art is everywhere and everywhere is art”.