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What's The Deal With The Viral ‘Chroming’ Trend And Why Is It Dangerous?

The chroming challenge has emerged as the latest viral trend which could be dangerous on so many levels.

In the age of constant social media trends, where new viral, funny, and interesting challenges pop up regularly, people worldwide, especially the youth, eagerly participate. While many trends are harmless and simply offer light-hearted fun, there are some that shouldn't be taken lightly. Trends may come and go, but if not approached carefully, their effects can linger. Presently, the "chroming challenge" has emerged as the latest viral trend, and unfortunately, it has resulted in the tragic deaths of teenagers.

The recent tragic incident related to the viral chroming trend

Regrettably, an 11-year-old boy in the UK lost his life while attempting the deadly challenge at a friend's house. The boy, identified as Tommie-Lee, had engaged in the trend of 'chroming,' as reported by his family. The attempt resulted in Tommie-Lee experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest, ultimately leading to his immediate passing. His grandmother shared, "The hospital did everything to try and bring him back, but nothing worked. He was gone."

What is the Chroming Challenge? 

Unfortunately, this isn't the first time that the chroming challenge has claimed the lives of young individuals. Last year, a 13-year-old Australian girl, Esra Haynes, reportedly succumbed to the harmful effects of the chroming trend. But what exactly is this dangerous chroming trend? 

In simple terms, the chroming challenge involves inhaling toxic fumes. This social media frenzy has led many teenagers to sniff aerosol cans, detergent, paint thinner, and other solvents. While this intoxicating practice may provide a temporary and instant high, it poses significant risks. Typically undertaken by teenagers or young adults in their early 20s, the trend can induce feelings of happiness for a short time. However, it's considered extremely hazardous, potentially causing dizziness, nausea, and even harm to the heart and brain.

The harmful consequences of the chroming challenge

When people breathe in these chemicals, it's like inviting trouble into the body through the lungs. It messes with their thinking and memory and can even bring on serious issues like depression and anxiety. 

(Credit: Suzanne Crowe)

The cognitive problems from inhaling these substances can be anywhere from a bit off to downright severe. According to the experts, people who regularly go for inhalants tend to deal with higher rates of depression, anxiety, and other substance abuse problems. Some individuals also opt for "whippets," those small containers filled with laughing gas. Even though they're meant for filling balloons legally, using them to catch a high is not only against the law but also pretty risky.

The driving force behind the surging popularity of chroming 

The challenge has gained popularity worldwide, with this huffing practice becoming particularly widespread among young participants. Its appeal lies in the easy accessibility of resources like metallic paints or deodorants compared to other substances or illicit materials. 

(Credit: FOX 2 Detroit)

It's crucial for parents to supervise teenagers and young children, especially when they're using the internet. With a plethora of activities online and so much happening, it's easy for young minds to cross the boundaries of safety and security. Therefore, there's an urgent need for increased awareness and education on responsible online activities and usage.