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Walking In The Rain Can Have A Cathartic Effect On Your Health: Find Out How!

If you can overcome the initial hesitation of wetting in the rain, you can step out and experience a wide range of unexpected health benefits.

On rainy days, you might get tempted to curl up in bed and stay snug indoors while watching a film you love or reading a book. However, the urge to go out and drench in the rain can be irresistible—and you can come up with multiple excuses to enjoy the splish splash—whether to take your pup out for a walk or to get some fresh air. Apart from these, there are plenty of other positive health-related reasons that can convince you to embrace the rain.

As suggested by health experts, rain-walking has several unexpected health benefits. Keep scrolling to explore how strolling in the rain can boost your physical health and elevate your mood.

The Air Is Cleaner and Better for Breathing

Why is rain-walking beneficial for your health? Well, when it rains, the air quality improves—becoming fresher and cleaner for breathing.  The droplets of water that travel through our atmosphere—successfully soak the suspended pollutants and dust particles in the air.

All the airborne dust particles get absorbed during the first phase of the shower and dissolve in the water droplets. This process purifies the air, making it cleaner. The air will contain fewer dust particles, pollens, and allergens—thereby improving respiratory health.

The Sweet Aroma Of Rain Stimulates The Mind

The soothing fragrance that lingers in the air after a downpour is delightful. This fragrance is exuded by the soil, ozone mix and the oils produced by the plants. The fragrant blend of nature soothes the mind and aids in regulating brain functions that impact our mood.

Rain can Improve Skin and Hair Health.

Rain helps improve skin and hair health. The rainwater is fresh because it is devoid of harmful particles and minerals. The water droplets do not come in contact with stones, mud and dust—and are therefore—good for the hair and skin. The water is alkaline—it is incredible for the scalp and helps to maintain the skin’s pH level.

It Prevents the Body From Overheating During a Workout

In places with warmer climates, rainy days can prevent your body from overheating during your workout sessions by effectively regulating your body temperature. Normally, when we exercise, our bodies produce heat, causing the body temperature to spike, and sweating helps cool down.

However, if you exercise when it is raining, the cooler temperatures serve as a natural coolant, aiding the dissipation of heat from the body—and preventing it from overheating.

Rain Has a Calming Effect

Many people use the sound to fall asleep at night because the steady and soothing sound of water droplets hitting the ground—works as an effective natural stress reliever. Step out in the rain and immerse yourself in the peaceful sound of the rain to calm your mind.

 Helps Burn More Calories

Walking in the rain can help burn more calories because people generally walk faster in the rain. In this case, the rain serves as a motivator that encourages people to walk faster—to avoid getting wet. As a result, more calories are burned.

It Can Boost Your Mood

The aroma and sound of rain have a soothing impact on the mind, and in turn, it can elevate your mood by promoting relaxation. This phenomenon is better known as the petrichor effect, which triggers emotions or memories when the aroma of rainfall lingers in the air. The petrichor effect has mood-boosting properties and can help people unwind.

Despite several health benefits of rain-walking, experts advise not to spend over 15 to 20 minutes in damp clothes. Step inside, shower immediately and have a cup of tea or coffee to stay warm and feel refreshed and relaxed.