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Waist to Height Ratio, the New Standard of Healthy Lifestyle: A Comprehensive Guide to Stay in Shape

Forget about BMI, scientists find out new standard for a happy and healthy lifestyle!

Nearly 2.3 billion people are suffering from obesity globally. So, one out of four persons is obese in this world! The real concern is, health issues like obesity and diabetes are increasing at an alarming rate. Since earlier days, body mass index or BMI used to be the measurement of obesity. However, recent research showed waist to height ratio as an equally important parameter. A human’s waistline measurement can thoroughly indicate the individual’s current or future health prospects. In this article, we will discuss about importance of waist to height ratio and how to stay in shape.

WtHR - Definition & Importance:

A person's waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) or waist-to-stature ratio (WSR), is calculated by dividing waist circumference to height. It is the measurement of fat throughout the human body. High WHtR value indicates more risk of obesity-related diseases. The healthy WtHR ranges between 0.4 to 0.49. The risk of obesity related diseases increases if it is in the range of 0.5 to 0.59. If WtHR crosses 0.6, the person needs immediate medical attention. Accumulation of fat in the abdominal region is a reliable indicator of health deterioration. You can easily measure your WtHR in home using measuring tape monthly.

“The basis for this change is the recognition that BMI alone is insufficient as a diagnostic criterion, and that body fat distribution has a substantial effect on health,” the researchers wrote in a report published in Nature Medicine.

Steps to Improve WtHR:

Belly fat or visceral fat stays around individual’s midsection, surrounding internal organs such as intestines and pancreas. There are various factors behind excess accumulation of belly fat including aging, food habit, lack of physical activities, and so on. Following are some crucial steps to stay in shape.

Strength Trainings: Strenuous cardio exercises are extremely beneficial for reducing abdominal fat and overall body mass. There should be at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercises in a week. This may include yoga also. Both of them can help building your physique, and improving mobility. Along with reducing body fat, the combination of yoga and strength training develops lean muscles while strengthening the bones and improving posture as well as core strength.

Embrace Vegetarian Diet: This might be tough for non-vegetarian people, but, practice can surely make a change. When you start eating plant-based food more, you get more antioxidants, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals which are essential for improving metabolism and reducing fat content. There are some proofs of loosing body fat by adopting to green Mediterranean diet. If you are consuming other animal fat, take in moderation.

Consume Healthy Fats: There are two types of fat, one is good and another one is bad. Remember, you need good fat to maintain a healthy body. This includes omega-3-fatty acids from fishes, avocado, olive oil, nuts, flaxseed, dark chocolate, butter, cheese, and so on.

Reduce Stress: In modern days, hectic lifestyle is one of the major reasons behind belly fat. You need to reduce stress as much as possible to prevent fat deposition. Basically, stress or anxiety interfere with biochemical processes inside the body, leading to obesity or diabetes. You can try yoga and other forms of meditation to reduce stress. Additionally, try to get enough sleep and reduce screentime to reduce stress and risks of excess fat deposition.

Focus on your habits to reduce body fat, embrace a healthy life ahead!