The proponents of one of the greatest discoveries of 21st century and founder of ‘God Particle’, Professor Peter Higgs has died aged 94.
Understanding the universe needs great and visionary minds. Among many, Professor Peter Higgs is one of finest theoretical physicists to reveal some greatest mysteries of our universe. During the first decade of 21st century, the term ‘God Particle’ or ‘Higgs Boson’ became viral. Because, researchers at The European Organization for Nuclear Research or CERN were dedicated to discover “the final missing piece of the Standard Model of particle physics,” mentioned in the official website of the scientific body. Nearly an era ago, CERN announced that the Higgs boson had finally been found in the Large Hadron Collider. The theory of Peter Higgs explained the origin of mass in the universe.
As the great scientist passed away today, we will discuss about some exciting facts of dark matter which he studied in detail.
Dark matter is a mysterious and elusive element that helps the vast expansion of the universe. Over the decades, it has captivated the minds of astrophysicists as it is impossible to detect or observe. It makes up around 85% of the universe. It holds galaxies together with invisible gravitational force. Basically, dark matter acts as the cosmic glue as it keeps everything in the universe in proper place. Exciting, right?
What comes to your mind when you hear the term ‘dark matter’? It must be a dark black coloured substance, right? Totally wrong! Scientists are yet to detect the colour of dark matter. It is not like a ordinary matter. It doesn't show any interaction with electromagnetic radiation, making it totally invisible following conventional observation approaches.
For that reason, dark matter never emit ir absorb light or any form of electromagnetic radiation.
From formation of galaxies to shaping the structure of universe, dark matter controls all these factors.
Surprised with the heading? A group of scientists actually believe that dark matter led to the extinction of dinosaurs. As per the theory, influence of dark matter decided the path of the comet that caused mass extinction of dinosaurs.
Even scientists have no proper answer to it. Generally, to observe something, scientists take two approaches: direct and indirect. As of now, direct evidence of dark matter is not there. Thus, scientists are trying to understand gravitational force in a better way to observe dark matter. We can only hope, in some year, scientists would be able to detect its presence.
“Several astronomical measurements have corroborated the existence of dark matter, leading to a world-wide effort to observe directly dark matter particle interactions with ordinary matter in extremely sensitive detectors. However, these interactions are so feeble that they have escaped direct detection up to this point, forcing scientists to build detectors that are more and more sensitive,” the Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy (LNGS) said in a statement.
There are two things that Scientists are sure about: dark matter comprises some mass as it exerts gravitational force and it moves very slowly. Although the idea of dark matter was proposed in 1930s, but scientists ignored it for many year. From 1970s, it got an awareness and lot of research started. Even several sci-fi movies have touched upon this topic.
Scientists are still puzzled to solve numerous mysteries associated with this enigmatic entity. It’s more like an exciting cosmic mystery that scientists are eagerly waiting to be solved!