Published By: Devyani

Understanding Greece’s Golden Visa Scheme: Why Wealthy Indians Are Urgently Investing Before Changes Hit

According to recent data, between July and August, wealthy Indian investors have remarkably jacked up their property purchases in Greece, propelled by the forthcoming alterations to the country’s golden Visa Scheme. The latest statistics demonstrate that accessions by Indian nationals surged by 37% within these two months, as purchasers hurried to take advantage of the current minimum investment requirements before they were modified on September 1.

This increase in investment into Greek properties was notable, with Indian nationals eyeing permanent residency through real estate transactions. Indians are favoring Greece for its appealing residency options. Nevertheless, the financial criteria for qualifying through real estate investment have surged significantly following the changes made to the Golden Visa Program.

Revised Investment Criteria for the Golden Visa Programme

The recently modified Golden Visa Program has almost doubled foreign investors' minimum investment requirements. While the latest requirement now stands at  €800,000 (around  s₹7 crores) for Tier I cities like Thessaloniki, Santorini, Athens, and Mykonos, the minimum investment witnessed an increase to  €400,000, up from the previous €250,000, for Tier II areas through Greece.

These modifications indicate Greece’s plan of action to orient its residency-by-investment program with wider economic objectives and to improve the regulation of the influx of foreign investors.

Introduction to Greece’s Golden Visa Programme

The Golden Visa Programme seeks to attract non-EU nationals by providing residency rights in exchange for investment in Greek real estate. This measure grants numerous benefits, contributing to its enticement among international investors.

What are the Eligibility Criteria for the Golden Visa Program?

To be eligible for the Golden Visa scheme, applicants must meet the given requirements.

  • Non-EU/EEA citizenship
  • Minimum age of 18
  • A clean criminal history
  • Authentic medical insurance
  • Good character

What are the Primary Benefits of the Program?

The Golden Visa Scheme opens doors to numerous advantages for investors

  • Residency Right- Investors have the right to live in Greece without the requirement for a compulsory stay.
  • Schengen Area Acess: Within the Schengen zone, investors get visa-free access.
  • Family inclusion: Under the program, family members are also eligible for residency.
  • Road to Citizenship: Subject to certain conditions, investors can apply for permanent Greek citizenship after seven years of residency.

What is the Application Process and Legal Requirements?

These are the documents necessary for applying for the Golden Visa Scheme.

  • An Investment proof: Documentations like bank statements or property contracts.
  • A Valid Passport: Both existing and any previous visas.
  • Biometric data
  • Medical Insurance: The policy should be valid in Greece.
  • Criminal Record: An official, translated document supporting a clean criminal record from the applicant’s country of residence.

Necessities for Legal Representation

To help facilitate the process, a mandatory engagement with a licensed lawyer in Greece is required for the applicants. The lawyer takes responsibility for preparing and submitting the required documentation while also abiding by the immigration policies. Additionally, a power of attorney is generally required to let the lawyer act on behalf of the applicant.

Conditions for Renewal and Permanent Residency 

The first Golden Visa permit is applicable for five years. It can be renewed for as long as the investment remains untouched. If an investor lives in Greece for seven years, they can apply for permanent residency in the country. 

Dependents Included in the Golden Visa Programme

The program permits the inclusion of dependents, which include:

  • Spouse and Partner: This includes individuals in legally recognized cohabitation agreements.
  • Children: Those under 21 years old, or older if they are financially dependent and enrolled in education.
  • Parents: Dependent parents of the main applicant or their spouse.

As wealthy Indian investors are eagerly seeking to purchase property and residency in Greece before modifications are made to the Golden Visa Program, it is yet to be determined whether the surge is having an impact on the real estate market and immigration policies. Non- EU investors who are eyeing to settle in Europe, for them the Golden Visa Scheme proves to be a boon.