From emotional parent to passive parent, here are four sub-types of emotionally immature parents that we should be aware of.
Some of us are brought up in dysfunctional homes where we did not receive the love, care and affection that we needed as a child. This further moulded the behavior and thought patterns of our adult lives. When we are brought up by emotionally immature caregivers and parents, we start to imbibe certain characteristics which further impact our adult relationships. "The more you unravel the emotional fabric of your upbringing, the more transparent the patterns in your adult relationships become—including the relationship you have with yourself. For instance, someone raised by a Passive Emotionally Immature Parent (EIP) will have triggers distinctly different from someone who grew up with an Emotional EIP," wrote therapist Morgan Pommells.
When we start to look into the type of emotionally immature parents that our caregivers are, we start to gain more insights on the person we have become in order to protect and defend ourselves. Here are a few types of emotionally immature parents that Morgan Pommells pointed out:
The driven parent: In this type, a parent is emotionally unavailable, making the child believe that they need to achieve something in order to gain the love, care and affection of the parent. They are usually providers of material resources, but not of the necessary emotions that a child craves for.
The passive parent: This type of emotionally immature parent is usually emotionally away from their child. They are unresponsive and do not provide any kind of emotional support for their child. They show very little interest in the child's activities and leave the child to regulate their own emotions.
The rejecting parent: This type of emotionally immature parents is usually hostile and critical in nature. They are controlling and conditional, often making the child feel that they are not valued or important.
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