Published By: Alfaraz Laique

Tips to Achieve a Great False Ceiling for Your Home

What makes a house a home? It is your dreams, your aspirations, your loved ones, your safe-space, your comfort-place and above all, your connect with it, that makes it a home. To add life to each and every corner of your space, you try to add beauty of little things in it. One such thing that exudes a delightful blend of luxury and warmth is false ceiling.

When you try to add something to the floor, to the walls and to the corners, only thing looks incomplete – that is your ceiling. Gone are the days when people used to not give any attention to their ceilings but in this era, it is a symbol of your prestige. Therefore, a false ceiling becomes a fantastic idea. A false ceiling, also known as a drop ceiling, can totally transform a room. You need tips for it, here you go.

Plan, Plan, Plan

Before you start anything take some time to plan your action.  Think about what you want to achieve with your false ceiling and it could be anything. Aks yourself if is it purely for aesthetics or do you need it to hide some unsightly wires and ducts? Whatever your reasons, having a clear plan will help guide your choices.

Choose the Right Material

False ceilings can be made from a variety of materials and you should know what you want. Here are a few popular options that you can try -

Gypsum: Lightweight and easy to work with, gypsum is a favourite for false ceilings as it is great for creating smooth finishes and can be painted or wallpapered.

Plaster of Paris (POP)

This is another popular choice as it is durable and can be moulded into different shapes and designs.

Wood: If you are going for a warm look, wood is a great option to have as it adds elegance and can be stained or painted to match your decor.

Get Creative with Design

This is where you can really have fun as there are so many design possibilities with false ceilings. You can go for a simple look or you can get creative with patterns and textures. Many people also install LED strips of yellow or blue colour in the edges of your false ceiling to create a soft lighting.  

Nowadays, we have also seen many using different shapes and levels to create an interesting geometric design. You can also add some texture with decorative panels as it will create a beautiful look.

Think About Lighting

If you really want a glam look, think about how you want to light the room and incorporate that into your design. These days, recessed lights are a popular choice as they can be integrated into the ceiling but you have other options such as pendant lights & chandeliers that can serve as a focal point in the room.

Consider the Height

When planning your false ceiling, keep the height of the room in mind so you don’t regret it later. It is because you don’t want the ceiling to feel too low and cramped. If you have a room with a low ceiling, you can choose from a range of flat design but if you have high ceilings, you can get more creative with levels and shapes.

A false ceiling can do wonders for your home and with these tips, you can achieve the desired results.