Published By: Alfaraz Laique

Tips for Dominating the Laser Tag Arena with Your Friends

Outdoor activities are fun with friends and when it’s Laser Tag, the fun doubles and sometimes even triples itself. The reason it, it is a perfect game to bring out your inner child and has good mix of thrill and excitement. However, it might need more from you than other games in terms of planning and strategy.

Laser Tag is an amazing game. From gaining popularity in the West, it has made its mark in the sub-continent too. We are now witnessing people going for the game with their friends and family and it has become a form of leisure for them. Now, who needs some cool tips to dominate the arena?

Understand the rules

Before diving into the game, make sure you understand the rules of the laser tag arena. Each venue might have slightly different rules and scoring systems and therefore you should pay attention during the briefing. Knowing the rules will help you play it right!

Wear dark clothing

Now that you know the rules, here is a cool tip. Wear dark and comfortable clothing to blend into the shadows and reduce your visibility. Light-coloured clothes can make you an easy target in the dimly lit arena.  It’s not about fashion but choosing attire that allows you to move freely!

Use cover effectively

Before you hit, defend yourself. That is the key. You can make use of the barriers and obstacles in the arena to your advantage. Move from cover to cover to avoid being exposed. Peek out just enough to do it and then quickly return to cover!

Keep moving

Staying in one place makes you an easy target. Keep moving to make it harder for your opponents to aim at you. Use zig-zag patterns, crouch, and change directions frequently to avoid getting hit. The more unpredictable your movements, the better your chances of conquering the arena.

Aim for high-value targets

In most laser tag games, hitting certain parts of the opponent’s vest, like the chest or back, scores more points than hitting the arms or legs. It is only viable to aim for these high-value targets to maximize your score.

Communicate with your team

Be bold when you play it and communicated with your mates while using hand signals or whispered commands to coordinate. You can secretly plan strategies such as hitting the opponents or defending key areas.

Keep an eye on the scoreboard

Like Dhoni, know the situation and if the arena has a live scoreboard, keep an eye on it to know how your team is doing. This can help you adjust your strategy in real-time. If you’re trailing, you might need to take more risks.

Use power-ups wisely

Some laser tag arenas offer power-ups or special abilities that can give you an edge. These might include temporary invincibility, rapid-fire, or bonus points. Use these power-ups wisely and at the right moments to turn the tide in your favor.

Stay low and use angles

Staying low can help you avoid detection. Crouch or kneel to reduce your silhouette. Also use angles to your advantage by shooting around corners and through narrow gaps. This can help you hit opponents without fully exposing yourself.

Dominating the laser tag arena requires you to be active. Only you can change the outcome of the game with precision and these amazing tips!