Published By: Admin

Stay glam without the tearful drama: 5 makeup tips for watery eyes

If you're itching for those sultry, dreamy eyes but your peepers won't cooperate, don't sweat it—we've got your back! 

Dealing with watery eyes while rocking a killer makeup look can be a real struggle. Those unexpected tears have a knack for ruining all your hard work! But hello, we've got your back with some handy makeup tips to help you keep those eyes looking flawless, even when they're feeling a bit watery. So, let's check out some practical advice to help you slay that makeup game without worrying about your eyes betraying you!

Apply eye drops before putting on makeup 

It's a real bummer when your eyes are already feeling dry or irritated, especially when you're about to glam up with makeup. The last thing you need is for those pesky, watery eyes to ruin your look! To prevent any further discomfort or watering, give your eyes some extra love before diving into your makeup routine. A couple of soothing eye drops can work wonders to ease any irritation and flush out irritants. Just give them a few minutes to work their magic before you start applying your makeup.

Start with your eyes first 

If watery eyes are your nemesis, consider switching up your makeup routine. Start with your eye makeup first, before applying any foundation or concealer. This way, if your eyes start to water, you won't risk smudging or ruining your carefully applied base makeup.

Prime your eyes well 

Preparing your eyes for makeup is crucial when dealing with watery eyes. Because tears can dry out the under-eye region, it's important to moisturise with a hydrating under-eye cream before applying makeup. This not only keeps the skin hydrated but also helps makeup last longer. When it comes to your eyelids, use a waterproof base by applying a drier concealer to prevent smudging from watery eyes.

Choose your products wisely 

If your eyes are constantly watering, it could also be due to an allergic reaction to certain ingredients in your makeup. Those dyes and fragrances might seem harmless, but they can really irritate sensitive eyes. To play it safe, go for hypoallergenic eye makeup. And don't be tempted by those super cheap deals from sketchy sources—they could end up causing more harm than good to your precious peepers!

Less is more for your eyes 

When dealing with watery eyes, simplicity is key. You don't need to go all out with heavy eye makeup every day. Save those dramatic looks for special occasions. Instead, opt for a more natural and minimalistic approach on a daily basis. And if applying kajal to the waterline isn't working out, no worries! There are plenty of other options, like using eyeliner or focusing on the upper lash line for a smudged kajal look. This way, if your eyes start to water, your makeup stays intact and doesn't end up all over your face. So, embrace the less-is-more mantra and keep it simple! 

Don't forget, the best way to minimise makeup mishaps from watery eyes is to decrease the likelihood of eye watering altogether. If your watery eyes aren't due to medical issues like myopia or retinal damage, sticking to a simple, consistent routine can help manage the problem. It's crucial to thoroughly remove all eye makeup every night, ensuring you clear the base of the lashes and eyelids to prevent irritation and clogged glands. And remember to limit screen time, as excessive exposure can worsen dry eyes. Make sure to get enough quality sleep, and you'll notice your eyes feeling much happier and less prone to tearing up!