Published By: Admin

Start Your Day Right: THESE Traditional Indian Recipes Are Perfect To Beat The Summer Heat

With those extra hours of daylight in summer, starting your day with a refreshing and nutritious breakfast is the key!

With summer in full swing, we all feel the heat, and cooking in the kitchen during the daytime can be a real struggle. But fret not! We've got you covered with some traditional Indian breakfast recipes to kickstart your day on a delicious and healthy note. These recipes are not only tasty but also gentle on your digestion, perfect for combating the summer heat. Let's beat the heat together with some mouthwatering breakfast options!

Curd Rice

Imagine a scorching hot day, and you're in need of some relief. You have to get out in this sun, and you don't have much time or energy to cook breakfast! That's where curd rice comes to the rescue! It's creamy, tangy, and bursting with flavor—the ultimate comfort food. Plus, it's incredibly easy to whip up! Just mix your leftover rice with creamy curd, add a sprinkle of spices and seasoning, and you've got yourself a delicious meal that's perfect for cooling off in the summer heat. And the best part? It's not just tasty, it's also good for your tummy!

Credit: foodiecoodie72

A Big Salad Bowl

Salad is no longer just some side dish waiting for its turn on the table! It can take center stage, even for breakfast, keeping you full and fueled for the day ahead. Load up your bowl with crisp veggies like lettuce, broccoli, cucumber, and sweet onions, and toss in some sprouts for extra crunch. Then, add a medley of juicy seasonal fruits like watermelon, muskmelon, and papaya for a refreshing twist. Sprinkle on a dash of chat masala, pink salt, and black pepper to amp up the flavor. And for an added health kick, throw in some melon seeds, chia seeds, and sunflower seeds. With this power-packed breakfast, you'll be ready to tackle the summer heat head-on and stay energized all day long!

Credit: redotterfarms

Masala Chaas

Masala chaas isn't just a summer cooler; it's a street food sensation in India, loved by everyone. It's the go-to drink to beat the heat and refresh yourself on hot summer days. This flavorful drink is also a perfect quick breakfast option when you're in a rush or not in the mood to cook. Made with buttermilk, chaas is like a salty version of lassi, but thinner in consistency. It's jazzed up with a special masala blend of green chilies, ginger, cumin, and chaat masala, giving it a spicy kick. Topped with crispy boondi and fresh mint leaves, it's a refreshing and invigorating way to kickstart your day!

Credit: tarladalal

Sattu ka Sharbat

And last but not least, let's talk about a classic summer refresher that's been a hit for generations – Sattu! Loved across India for its refreshing taste and health benefits, Sattu is often hailed as the "poor man's protein" due to its affordability and rich protein content. It's not just a thirst-quencher; it's a powerhouse of nutrition. With its instant cooling effect, high fiber content, and blood sugar-controlling properties, Sattu is a must-have during the scorching summer months. Making Sattu ka Sharbat is a breeze – simply blend Sattu with jaggery powder, add water, and stir well. For a savory twist, you can swap the jaggery for rock salt. Strain to remove any lumps, and voila! You've got yourself a revitalizing drink that'll keep you cool, refreshed, and ready to take on the day!

These recipes will not only cool you down and provide essential nutrients, but they will also keep you satisfied until lunchtime! So, there's no excuse to skip breakfast anymore!