Published By: Satavisha

Say Goodbye To Lethargy: Kick-start Your Morning With Seven Energising Homemade Health Drinks

A glass of homemade energising health drink—free of artificial dyes, preservatives, sugars and other additives—is the best way to kick-start your day.

So, make a more nutritious move by adding a healthy drink to your breakfast regimeto eliminate lethargy and improve overall health. If you are still wondering what ingredients to rely on, leave that to us. We have rounded up seven energising drinks you can guzzle down in the morning, to fuel you through the day.

Pomegranate, Pineapple and Orange Juice

Orange and pomegranate are rich in potassium, vitamin C and folate—which steadily releases energy—to power you throughout the day. You need ½ pomegranate, 1 orange and half a cup of Pineapple.

Cut a pomegranate into four pieces, and transfer ½ cup seeds in a bowl. Next, peel an orange and remove the pineapple’s core. Slice the pineapple into an appropriate size. Transfer all the fruits into the juicer. Pour in a glass and add ice, if desired.

Kale, Orange and Apple Juice

For this recipe, you need oranges and apples, which offer vitamin C and cucumber for a burst of refreshment and ginger promotes improved digestion. You need plenty of kale (you can decide the quantity), one apple, ½ cucumber, ½ orange, and ginger. Peel the orange, slice the cucumber and apple, and add some grated ginger. Transfer everything to the juicer and blend until you get a smooth concoction, free of lumps. 

Berry Lemon Juice

This recipe combines the nutritious benefits of kiwi, grape, lemon, and strawberry—and fights lethargy. You need ⅓ cup of kiwi and grapes, two cups of strawberries and ⅓ cup of lemon juice. Peel the kiwi and slice it into desired sizes. Remove the stems from grapes and strawberries, and wash them properly. Add all the ingredients to the juicer and blend. Your berry lemon juice is ready!

Pomegranate Tea

Prepare pomegranate juice and add ½ cup of green tea (chilled) to it. Add chia seeds and stir the concoction well, and that's it!  It is very nutritious because it combines the goodness of both pomegranate and green tea. Apart from being healthy, it is delicious too.

Cucumber Mint Water

It sounds fancy and incredibly good! Well, jumpstart your morning by eliminating toxins from your system. Blend cucumber with mint leaves (remove the stems). and this refreshing drink will cool your body, especially on hot days.

Kale Spinach Juice

This juice recipe is slightly sweet, but it is ideal for children who need to consume plenty of greens. Grab sliced pineapples, kale, spinach, half a lemon, and 2 small pieces of ginger (about 2 inches each). Peel off the pineapple’s skin, remove the core, and trim the spinach and kale. Add all the ingredients to the juicer and blend. Make sure you remove the compressed pulp.

Sattu Drink

There may be days when preparing a healthy breakfast may seem like a task, or let's say, your body is craving something refreshing and light. On those days, gram flour or sattu drink can come to rescue you. It is very refreshing and will keep you full for a long time. It is super easy to make, grab a glass of water, add three tablespoons of gram flour, a pinch of salt and spritz some lemon juice. To spruce it up, you may add diced green chillies and onions.

Now you have plenty of options to choose from. Replace store-bought health drinks with these nutritious concoctions and jumpstart your day. For optimum health benefits, stay consistent.