Saving paper won’t be difficult with these simple tips

To sit under the shade of nature, you have to save paper first. Do you know that it approximately needs seventeen full-grown trees to produce a single ton of paper? Despite the rapid growth of electronic communication methods, papers are still one of the most widely used consumer products across the globe. This dependence on paper is harming us in so many ways. The National Environmental Bureau states that each ton of recycled paper can save 13 trees, 2.5 barrels of oil, 4100 kWh of electricity, 4 cubic metres of landfill and 31, 780 litres of water. So, we must look for saving and recycling of papers to save nature and humanity. Let’s look at some ideas to reduce paper consumption for a better future. Avoid hard copies of the documents. If you are a student, you need to be very careful about paper saving. Use electronic gadgets as much as possible and save the soft copies on your computer and tablet to avoid printing them. Using a tab instead of paper for the purpose of the study is not only a smart way of saving paper but also the space of your place. Even the official activities can also be done online to save the greatest resource in the world. Don’t use the single side of the page at the time of printing Printing on both sides can save almost 50% of the paper. Therefore, you can change your printing habit to double-sided. Scrap paper can also be used if you are printing something unofficial, like notes and texts for self-study. Follow the traditional way of using a handkerchief instead of tissues Do you keep your hanky handy instead of tissues? Then I must say it's a great step towards saving papers. But make sure to keep your hanky clean and hygienic. Buying reusable napkins can also be another option for saving paper. Hence, throw away your paper towel habit and start using reusable clothes. Give a new style to your gift wrapping. Gift wrapping without paper? Seems impossible, right? Well, I happily inform you that it's possible as well. All you need to have is a bit of creativity. You can fashionably style your gift with cloth wrapping. Have some colourful clothes from your local shop and wrap them with a touch of innovativeness. Using old newspapers is also a simple way for gift wrapping. Trees are the best natural resource provided to humanity. We must save this at any cost. Therefore, follow these simple ways to give a better environment to our future generations.