Published By: Jayati

Purple perennials: Flowers to keep your garden vibrant every season

Who wouldn’t love waking up to a splash of purple? It’s like a daily dose of magic!

Purple flowers add that perfect touch of elegance to any garden or bouquet, and their deep hues can make any space feel a bit more serene. Whether you're planning to keep your garden looking fresh all year or want to whip up a stunning bouquet, purple flowers are always a good idea. So, let’s talk about some of the best purple blooms for every season and how they can keep your space vibrant and gorgeous, no matter the time of year.


Coneflowers are the garden's stylish, laid-back friend—tough, beautiful, and simply trustworthy. They bloom all summer, tolerate dry soil, and flourish in nearly every environment. They also attract butterflies, which adds to the charm of your garden. They come in a variety of purple colours, but the 'Magnus cultivar' stands out the most. It has a stunning, brilliant pink-purple hue that will make your garden shine!


Alliums are the showstoppers of the summer garden with their big, globe-like purple blooms that demand attention. They’re super easy to grow and don’t ask for much—just some sunshine and well-drained soil, and they’re good to go. Their unique look and long-lasting flowers make them a popular choice for gardeners who want something a little different but still easy to manage.


Lavender is one of those classic summer plants that just makes everything better. With its calming scent and pretty purple spikes, it’s perfect for adding a chill vibe to your garden. Whether you’re into making your own essential oils or just love having butterflies around, lavender’s got you covered. It’s easy to grow too—just plant it somewhere sunny with well-drained soil, and you’re all set for a garden that looks and smells amazing.


Irises are a spring favourite with their beautiful purple petals and unique patterns. They’re pretty tough and can grow in different conditions, but they really thrive in sunny spots with well-drained soil. If you’re looking to add some vibrant colour to your garden, irises are a great choice—they’re eye-catching and bring a touch of elegance to any space.

May Night Sage 

May Night is a purple flower must-have for your garden! It’s compact and throws up spikes of deep purple blooms. You'll get a beautiful show in spring, and if you do a bit of deadheading, it might even come back for a second act in late summer. It’s great with clay soil, doesn’t fuss about drought, and attracts all the right pollinators.


Asters are a great pick if you want to add some purple pop to your garden. These flowers start blooming in late summer and keep going strong into early autumn. They’re pretty easy to care for, enjoying sunny spots and well-drained soil. No doubt, they’re a lovely way to keep your garden vibrant and lively!

Winter Heath  

Winter Heath is a fantastic choice if you’re looking to brighten up your garden during the winter. This low-growing shrub has tiny, bell-shaped purple flowers that pop up throughout the cold months. It does well in well-drained, acidic soil and likes a spot with full sun or partial shade. It's a real gem for adding some cheer to your garden when everything else is a bit drab!


Bougainvillaea is like a splash of colour that keeps on giving! These vibrant plants bloom all year round with bright purple bracts that can turn any garden into a tropical paradise. They're great for making eye-catching bouquets or just adding a pop of colour to your outdoor space. Bougainvillaea loves full sun and well-drained soil, and its tough nature means it can handle a variety of climates.

To keep your purple flowers looking fabulous all year, follow these easy tips: Choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil, water them regularly (but not too much), use a balanced fertiliser, and remember to prune and deadhead to keep them blooming. Adding mulch helps too, keeping moisture in and weeds out. With these simple steps, your garden will be a purple paradise!