Published By: Rohit Chatterjee

Olympic Trivia: At 12, This Kid Became the Youngest-Ever Olympic Medallist

Young, wild, and victorious: the amazing tale of Inge Sørensen

Could you ever believe that one would be an Olympic medallist before getting a driver’s license? Well, decades ago, IngeSrensen did the impossible to script history at the Games. She was a young Danish swimmer who performed at the 1936 Berlin Olympics and cemented her position as a legend of the Games.

A star is born

Inge Srensen, nicknamed 'Little Lovely Inge', was a swimming prodigy who started competing at the age of 12. She began swimming at the early age of three and was born in Denmark, where she spent her summers swimming in the harbour. It's kind of funny that nobody guessed this kid would grow up to be a global athletic star.

From the outset, it was clear that Srensen was connected to water in her core. Splashing, kicking, and an unwavering love of the water characterised her early years. It became clear that she had skills as she developed into a preteen. She was elegant, powerful, and had a certain way with water that made her appear to be one with it.

Olympic breakthrough

The plot of the story is in 1936, during the Summer Olympics in Berlin. With so many athletes and stars in the world, a girl of such a small stature was revealed—Inge Srensen. She was only 12 and proved the world wrong to emerge the third in the 200-metre breaststroke. This made her the youngest individual Olympic medallist ever. 

Her win caused an earthquake in the athletic world. A young girl who had not yet reached teenage had triumphed in the biggest sporting event. It was a moment that anybody with a dream wants to share with their loved ones. For Srensen, victory signified more than simply a medal; it was a victory of the human spirit and a win for the youth.

A glance at the youthful prodigy that would take the globe by storm // Picture Courtesy – Alchetron

A rising star

Srensen’s gold medal at the Olympics was not the end of a glorious story but was a promise to the future. She went on dominating the swimming pool, setting new records, and winning more championship titles. She was a very talented athlete, and her career was only set to skyrocket from then on.

However, this was not the ideal moment for such dreams, as WWII was on the brink. She had to give up swimming early due to the conflict, which was a tragic way to finish what appeared to be a highly promising career at the height of her youth.

The youngest Olympic medalist ever, IngeSørensen // Picture Courtesy – Wikipedia

A legacy that endures

As her swimming career was cruelly cut short, Inge Sørensen's story doesn't actually end, but her legacy does. Her tale is a timeless one of a bright little girl who is driven, ambitious, and determined to be the greatest. She inspired a lot of young swimmers to set ambitious targets and pursue their passions. Indeed, the changes brought by Srensen are not limited to the swimming pool. She paved the way for women in sports and proved that girls are capable of performing equally well as boys.