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Not a fan of store-bought perfumes but want to smell fresh? Here are 5 natural alternatives to try

Explore natural alternatives to store-bought perfumes that offer fresh and delightful scents.

If you're looking to avoid store-bought perfumes due to allergies, sensitivity, or simply a preference for natural products, there are fantastic alternatives that can keep you smelling fresh and delightful. From essential oils to DIY blends, here are some natural alternatives to explore for a refreshing fragrance experience. Read on!

Essential oils

Essential oils offer concentrated fragrances derived from plants, each with its unique aroma and therapeutic properties. Popular options include lavender for its calming scent, citrus oils like lemon or orange for a refreshing lift, and floral scents such as rose or jasmine for a sophisticated aroma.

Herbal waters

Herbal waters, also known as hydrosols, are by-products of essential oil production and carry a gentle, water-soluble scent. They are mild enough for sensitive skin and provide a refreshing burst of fragrance without overwhelming the senses. Spritz herbal water directly onto your skin or hair for a light, natural scent. Keep a small bottle in your bag for a quick pick-me-up throughout the day. Popular choices include rose water for its floral aroma and soothing properties, and chamomile water for a calming effect.

Citrus infusions

Citrus fruits like lemon, lime, and grapefruit offer vibrant scents that are uplifting and energizing. Citrus infusions can be easily made at home using fruit peels and natural ingredients, making them a cost-effective and eco-friendly option.

Aromatic herbs

Aromatic herbs like mint, basil, and thyme not only add flavour to dishes but also provide natural fragrances that can be used in personal care products. These herbs have invigorating scents that awaken the senses and promote a sense of well-being. Infuse aromatic herbs in carrier oils to create herbal extracts for perfumes or body oils. You can also steep herbs in boiling water to make a fragrant herbal tea, then cool and use it as a hair rinse or body splash. Experiment with different combinations to find your favourite herbal scent profile.

DIY perfume blends


Creating your own perfume blends allows you to tailor the fragrance to your preferences and avoid synthetic ingredients. You can mix and match essential oils, herbal extracts, and natural fixatives to create a signature scent that is uniquely yours.


Start with a base of witch hazel, add your chosen essential oils or herbal extracts, and let the blend mature for a few days to develop the fragrance. Transfer to a rollerball bottle or spritzer for easy application. DIY perfume blends are a fun and rewarding way to explore natural scents and express your creativity.

Choosing natural alternatives to store-bought perfumes not only benefits your health but also allows you to enjoy a variety of delightful scents from botanical sources. Whether you prefer the calming effects of essential oils, the zesty freshness of citrus infusions, or the earthy aromas of aromatic herbs, there are plenty of options to suit every preference and occasion. Embrace the beauty of natural fragrances and discover a new way to smell fresh and fabulous, naturally.