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NASA Transmits Hip-Hop Song To Venus for the First Time: Exploring Deep Space Network’s Importance in Interstellar Communication

Now, Earth's evil twin, venus can listen to the beats of hip-hop!

Knowledge of space is limited which needs more exploration. To understand our universe in a better way, scientists have discovered numerous ways and even left footprints on the surface of Moon. There has been a significant rise in space exploration efforts in the last 70 years. From search of aliens to extraterrestrial habitation, various experiments were conducted. Recently, NASA scientists have done something extraordinary in the form of sending hip-hop song to Earth's neighbour, Venus! In this article, we will discuss about this unique initiative and technology behind this.

Hip-hop in Space:

For the first time ever, Nasa has transmitted hip-hop song into orbit. And, the lucky singer is none other than American superstar Missy Elliott. The lyrics of her debut solo single “The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly),” is on a one-way journey to Earth’s ‘evil twin’. The singer took to social media and wrote, “My song ‘The Rain’ has officially been transmitted all the way to Venus, the planet that symbolizes strength, beauty and empowerment. The sky is not the limit, it's just the beginning.”

Previously, only one song was sent to the space, it was “Across the Universe” by the Beatles in 2008.

(Credit - @MissyElliott X handle)

How the Transmission was made Possible?

This unique transmission was made possible through Deep Space Network (DSN) of NASA. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is responsible for this transmission system. The scientists leveraged 122-foot-wide Deep Space Station 13 (DSS-13) radio dish antenna located at the Deep Space Network (DSN) Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex in California. NASA said in a recent statement, “Both space exploration and Missy Elliott's art have been about pushing boundaries. Missy has a track record of infusing space-centric storytelling and futuristic visuals in her music videos, so the opportunity to collaborate on something out of this world is truly fitting.”

Know more about this technology in following paragraphs.

What is DSN?

Ever wondered how scientists establish connection with outer space? This is through Deep Space Network. The DSN is composed of enormous radio antennas enabling space exploration missions to monitor, communicate, as well as receiving data from spacecraft. The ground segment facilities of NASA DSN are located in the United States (California), Spain (Madrid), and Australia (Canberra), supporting interplanetary spacecraft missions.

DSN also provides crucial investigation reports about the nature, size, and shape of asteroids, interior environment of planets as well as moons.

India’s own DSN:

India’s rapid progress in space exploration was only possible through Indian Deep Space Network or IDSN. This large network of communication facilities, operated by ISRO, is situated at Byalalu, Ramanagara in Karnataka. IDSN is operational since 2008.

Glen Nagle, a representative for the Deep Space Network located in Canberra, Australia, told: “NASA’s partnership with Ms Elliott was an integral element of this tradition and a means of attracting a new generation of scientists, explorers and dreamers. Artists such as Missy Elliott and the Beatles have had their music beamed into space to inspire humanity to think about Earth’s place in the cosmos - and maybe others, if they're out there to hear it.”