Published By: Admin

Myth vs Reality: Revealing the Truth about Viral Weightloss Trend ‘Water Fasting’

Another weight loss strategy has been trending on social media!

Over the years, unique weightloss methods have been influencing people. It includes intermittent fasting, keto diet, Chlorophyll water, supplements, and so on. Recently, one trend got attention which is water fasting. In this article, we will discuss about the health benefits of water fasting and probable hazards.

Know the Origin of the Trend:

An influencer from Costa Rica, Addis Miller recently shared his unusual method of losing weight in just three weeks. On social media he posted his transformation video with a caption: “21-day water fast (No food, or Salts). I lost 13.1kg (28lbs). Dropped 6% body fat. I thought I’d share what a 21-day water fast looks like on an already lean person. This video simply shows my body fat and weight loss, but the fast was so much more than that.”

What is Water Fasting?

Water fasting diet involves consumption of water for a specified period. Unlike other diet strategies, a person under water fasting can only consume water, not even other solid food items.

Is it a healthy way of losing weight? Let's find out.

How Water Fasting Helps Body lose Weight?

During the time period, calorie intake remains zero. Thus, stored fat is consumed to generate energy. Additionally, glycogen source also gets depleted. Combinedly, body loses a good amount of weight.

Scientifically, when a person is only consuming water for couple of days, it promotes detoxification digestion and even mental clarity. Water fasting also promotes autophagy. This is a process of removing damaged cells and and regenerating new ones.

Potential Side Effects of Water Fasting:

Nutritional deficiencies: When a human body doesn't get enough nutritions for a longer period, it lead to several consequences. Lack of nutrients lead to nausea, weakness, dizziness, and so on. That's the reason, regular intake of vitamins and minerals are mandatory.

Risk of Dehydration: You might think that excess water intake will never promote dehydration inside the body, but that's not how human body reacts. Water and electrolyte balance is important for maintaining a healthy body. When there is electrolyte deficiency, biochemical activities inside the body also gets affected.

Impact on Metabolism: During water fasting, the body loses stored fat and carbohydrates. At the same time, water doesn't provide enough energy. Consequently, overall metabolism gets hampered. When a person returns to normal diet after water fasting, there's a high probability if gaining excess weight also. This is extremely detrimental for human body. As metabolism gets impacted, it promotes the risks of metabolism-related diseases including diabetes. As long fasting badly impact diabetic patients, patients with high blood sugar shouldn't follow this trend.

Sustainable Weight Loss Methods:

If the process of losing weight is not sustainable, it might badly impact the patient and lead to weight regain. The best way to lose excess weight is following a diet of high-nutrients, low-calorie, low carbohydrate and high proteins.

Although water fasting show rapid weight loss, it may come up with harmful side effects too. Thus, before following this trend, you must consult with a healthcare professional.