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Musk Intensifies Plans for Mars Colonization: SpaceX's Detailed Blueprint for Red Planet Dreams

What is science fiction? It's only tomorrow’s reality!

A six mile long asteroid destroyed the whole dinosaur population from the earth! So, what will happen if similar thing happen to us? Will humans become extinct? To solve this problem, one of the richest man in the world, Elon Musk has been planning to make human, a multi-planet civilization! The Space X CEO stated that “biggest hope is Mars”.

Yes, you heard it right! You might have come across the concept in science fiction movies. But, Elon Musk-owned SpaceX is developing technologies to colonize in the Red planet. In this article, we will discuss about a blueprint of Mars colonization prepared by SpaceX scientists.

Mission Mars:

As per recent reports, Elon Musk has accelerated the efforts of Space X to manufacture space transportation technologies. The team is instructed to create a “design of a Martian Landscape or a city”, as per news portals. Meanwhile, NASA is preparing astronauts for staying in Mars in a simulated environment, after one year of acclimatization, the crew came to real earth condition couple of days ago.


Composed of barren terrain, dust storms and icy temperatures, Mars has a hostile environment with unbreathable air. Apart from lack of oxygen, heavy radiation may cause martian life impossible. Keeping those things in mind, scientists are looking for areas to succesful landing. Meanwhile, NASA has prepared a self sustaining oxygen producing technology called Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE) for manned mission.

Musk’s Vision for Martian City:

Despite several challenges, Musk is ambitious about civilization on Mars. To prevent radiation, humans need to build a small dome-shaped habitat and specialised spacesuits for the survival. He also envisioned “residents on the planet will drive a version of the steel-panelled Cybertrucks made by Tesla.”

Musk has also mentioned that he “bought the social platform X to understand how citizen-led government rule will work on civilization on Mars.”

“It’s a way to get humanity to Mars because establishing a self-sustaining city on Mars will require a lot of resources,” he testified in court in 2022 about his Tesla pay.

Environment for Human Survival: In a recent interview, Musk shared his plan of creating warmth in an icy cool atmosphere by doing “a series of thermonuclear explosions” and an “artificial Sun”. These initiatives will create the survival conditions for human beings. The company is planning to develop “hundreds of solar panels will help create energy,” eventually. Musk mentioned about establishing “the city to look like a central big dome and some small domes around it will create a communal living space.”

All those efforts will be made to combat population explosion and climate change on the Earth.

Elon Musk is famous for achieving the impossible feats. Now, he is ready to go extreme levels to successfully develop colonization in Mars. “This is the first time in the history of the Earth when it is possible to do so. That capability might be only open for the short term,” Musk shared in an interview.

While sharing his ambitious goal in an interview, Elon Musk predicted to carry “around 20 million people to be living on the planet within 20 years.” Will it become reality? Only time will tell!