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Mumbai's Museum of Solutions Listed in TIME’s World’s Greatest Places: Explore Interactive Adventures for Tech-driven Creativity

Want to make your kid future ready with advanced technological exposure? Visit Mumbai's Museum of Solutions.

There is no such fun place like museum, especially for children! It encourages creativity, brings love for history, enhances knowledge as well as family bonding and critical thinking! There are only few museums in the world which can thoroughly help in developing tech-driven creativity. Museum of Solutions in Mumbai is one of them. As it recently received the recognition of ‘World’s Greatest Places’ from Time magazine, we will explore this unique museum, must-try activities and lot more.

MuSo’s Recognition:

Time magazine publish ‘world’s greatest places’ every year. The TIME magazine created the list from renowned hotels, cruises, restaurants, novel attractions, museums, parks, and other unique destinations.

(Credit- @rewriterflaneur X handle)

“While there are many children’s museums in India, the Museum of Solutions stands apart with a unique solution-oriented approach that goes beyond conventional learn-through-play models,” mentioned Time in their official website.

Expressing gratitude to this honour, Tanvi Jindal Shete, founder of the MuSo said, “We shall continue with our mission of inspiring and educating the future change-makers through creativity and innovation.”

Exploring MuSo:

Located in the centre of Mumbai, MuSo inspires children to become future-ready and problem solvers. From immersive galleries, creative tools to development programmes, the museum provides one-of-a-kind experience for kids.

(Credit - @muso Instagram Page)

Children to Bring Change: MuSo serves to the unique liking of children in an interactive way. “We believe that children can change the world”, written in bold letters at the entrance clearly indicates the core idea of building this unique museum. This is solely focused on making young generation “responsible, conscious, caring, and mindful citizens of the world.”

Fun-filled Design: The creative designing of interior gives a unique feeling of enthusiastic doodling created by children. You will be welcomed at a huge amphitheater, serving as a waiting area. This is often used for public events at night. Then, it takes you to a corner filled with child-friendly memento and goodies. The journey for the day starts with the rocket lift. The museum has 10 floors, dedicated to specific activities as well learning centers.

(Credit- @rewriterflaneur X handle)

Must-try Activities: Want to learn science and technology in a creative way? Visit ‘Play Lab’ in 7th floor with creative workshops. Another major attraction from the same floor is digital story board creation. The 8th floor is for ocean lovers, from animals in water to impact of pollution, this is a must visit for nature awareness among kids. The 9th floor is dedicated to innovative solutions to life via technology, art, electronics, and photography.

For lifelong learners, MuSo is a must visit as workshop, seminars keep on happening everyday.

An Expert Panel of Kids: Let me share an exciting trivia. During constructing the museum, the founders took suggetions from kids and their preferences. “Even while designing the museum, we had a panel of children aged 10 to 14 who gave us a lot of advice on the direction that we should go,” said Tanvi Jindal Shete.

(Credit - @muso Instagram Page)

The museum founders are planning to create a Changemakers Panel by the end of 2024, a first-of-its-kind global programme for kids aged between 11 and 14 assisting in making new shows and activities.

In a nutshell, MuSo is simply too massive to explore and enjoy fully within allotted 3 hours for every visit. Thus, multiple visit is a must.

From enhancing thinking capability to raising awareness about nature, in a fun and unique and entertaining way, MuSo is truly a “museum with a difference.”

Do visit MuSo with your kids!