Published By: Admin

Korean glass skin goals? Glycerin’s got your back!

Achieve that coveted Korean glass glow affordably with glycerin!

If you're into skincare trends, you're probably familiar with Korean glass skin—it's all about achieving that clear, glowing complexion that's as smooth as glass. Korean skincare emphasises maintaining skin health and hydration, which are essential for achieving this radiant look. Glycerin is a game-changer here—it's awesome for getting that glassy effect. Here’s why glycerin rocks for your skin and how you can use it to score that Korean glow.

Let's start by understanding glycerin 

Glycerin, also called glycerol, is like a hydration superhero for your skin. It's perfect for tackling dryness on lips, hands, and heels by pulling moisture from the air and locking it in. This not only makes your skin feel velvety but also helps restore its natural barrier, keeping it healthy and supple. It's clear, odourless, and found naturally in plants and animals, making it a go-to for skincare hydration.

Moisturises your skin 

Glycerin works wonders as a humectant, pulling moisture from deeper skin layers and the environment to keep your face smooth and radiant. A 2022 study in Scientific Reports highlighted glycerin's ability to effectively maintain moisture levels. The higher the glycerin concentration, the better it prevents dryness, flakiness, and fine lines caused by dehydration. This makes it a must-have for maintaining hydrated and youthful-looking skin.

Strengthens the skin barrier 

Healthy skin is like having a built-in shield that keeps out all the bad stuff. Glycerin steps in by ramping up the production of important lipids and proteins that make this shield extra strong. So, your face stays protected from all the things that could cause irritation and damage.

Enhances skincare efficacy 

Glycerin isn't just good at hydrating your skin—it collaborates with your skincare products too. It teams up with your serums, oils, or moisturisers to help those active ingredients penetrate deeper into your skin. So, you get more out of your products and more glow for your routine!

High in anti-inflammatory properties 

Glycerin can be beneficial if you have dry, itchy skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce redness and relieve irritation, making it ideal for soothing many sensitive skin conditions.

Abundant in anti-ageing 

Glycerin won't magically erase wrinkles, but it can definitely help prevent them. By keeping your skin well-hydrated, it smooths out fine lines and wrinkles, giving you a plumper appearance. Plus, it supports healthy skin cell function, which keeps your complexion looking youthful and glowing.

Here's how to apply glycerin to your face for that Korean glass skin glow: 

Here's a handy guide on using glycerin for that sought-after Korean glass skin! Start with double cleansing to clear out any dirt or makeup. Mix a few drops of glycerin with your toner or serum, then apply it to slightly damp skin so it absorbs well. Follow up with your usual skincare routine: toner first, then essence or serum (with glycerin mixed in), and seal the deal with moisturizer. You can even amp up your sheet mask by mixing glycerin with its essence for an added hydrating punch!

Potential drawbacks of glycerin 

While glycerin is generally safe, it can cause skin irritation, especially for sensitive skin, leading to redness, itching, or a burning sensation. In very dry environments, it might even dehydrate the skin. Although rare, allergic reactions can occur. To prevent issues, always mix glycerin with water or hydrating ingredients and use non-comedogenic products to avoid acne. 

To sum it all up: during the day, make sure to apply sunscreen after your skincare routine to protect your skin. At night, using a hydrating face pack that contains glycerin can really help keep your skin moisturized. Consistency is key in Korean skincare, so apply your glycerin-infused products in the morning and evening. And always keep in mind that the goal is healthy, glowing skin—so adjust the amount of glycerin based on what works best for your skin type!