Kitchen waste you can use for making fertiliser

Next time, remember these hacks and positively utilise your kitchen waste by nurturing your plants.

Without even releasing a dump out tons of kitchen waste which can be used as organic fertiliser for your home nursery.

Peels of Banana and Orange

After eating fruits, we generally throw out the scraps into the dustbin. But do you know that these fruit peels can be used for home nurseries as organic fertiliser? So, next time do not throw peels after eating fruit, use those orange and banana peels as a natural fertiliser instead of using synthetic pesticides.

Citrus peels

Do not throw away your used lemon or citrus peels, keep them aside and use the same for sowing seed. Firstly put a hole in the bottom part of the peel to ensure proper drainage and water the seed until and unless a seedling develops. Next, move the seeding aligned with the peel into a pot or your garden. The peel will automatically decompose and act as manure for the growing seedling.


After consuming we humans have a habit of tossing eggshells, however the same can also be used for your garden as a part of organic fertiliser. If you don't know, Eggshell contains more than 90% minerals among which 30% is calcium carbonate which is a basic component required for a plant's development. Eggshells also comprise iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.

Old jug of water or milk bottle

This hack would be effective for those who haven’t been to the market yet to purchase a watering can. If you have an old water bottle or milk bottle and even a jug also, use it for watering your pants just by punching a few holes in the bottom with the help of a warm needle.

Cooking water

If you tend to throw away the water in which you have steamed or boiled your vegetables, Stop today itself. The water has a lot of nutrients present in it which is very beneficial for plants and their growth. So, next time when you boil or steam your veggies, do not throw rather use them for your plants.

Leftover chilies

If you are planning to throw the leftover chilies, do not do that. The leftover from the chilies like the top part of seeds can be grounded and added with water to spray on your plants.