Published By: Satavisha

Keep Your Walls Spick And Span: Effective Tips To Maintain White Or Light-coloured Walls

When it comes to cleaning and dusting, we often overlook our walls. Cleaning the interior walls should be an indispensable part of our home-care rotation.

Maintaining the finish, vibrancy, and pristine condition of your white or light-coloured walls doesn't have to be a challenging task. With just a bit of diligence, a little elbow grease, and the correct methods up your sleeve—you can keep them looking spick and span. Let's explore some tips that can help you accomplish this goal.

Touch-Up Your Walls Whenever Needed

Even when handled with utmost care, walls can get scuffed or chipped. If your walls have been painted with a flat sheen, always keep your wall paint ( a small amount) handy for instant touch-ups. Use a small brush to maintain precision and ensure it blends seamlessly with the existing paint. It will almost act like a make-up concealer for your light-coloured walls – hiding minor blemishes while offering a flawless finish.

Opt For a Washable Paint

If you want to paint your walls in white or some other light shade, choose washable paints because they are easier to clean. It will help slash the cost of repainting your walls after every one or two years. You can wipe off even the most stubborn stains, restoring the pristine appeal of your walls without breaking a sweat.

Avoid Colour Fading by Protecting from the Sun

The sun may feel good on your skin when you are basking on the beach, but it is not good for your wall’s paint job. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or UV rays can wash away your vibrant paint. Using dark blinds, curtains, or Ultraviolet window films can shield your walls— keeping away the harsh UV rays while securing the original colour. 

Immediately Take Care of Stains and Blemishes

Wall stains are inevitable—whether caused by food spills, hand marks or your little one’s drawings and scribbles. However, stains tend to be more prominent on light-coloured or white walls. And the longer you leave stains unattended, the tougher it gets to eliminate them. Wipe it clean with a sponge soaked in mild soapy water soon after you spot a blemish, or it might leave a long-lasting mark.

Humidity is your Wall’s Mortal Enemy

High humidity (particularly in bathrooms) is your painted wall’s worst nemesis, which often causes the paint to peel and supports the growth of mould. Make sure your rooms are well-ventilated and receive ample sunlight and air—to keep humidity under control. You may also invest in a dehumidifier to regulate optimal levels of humidity, and to secure your paint job.

Place your Furniture At Least an Inch Away From the Walls

If you have placed your furniture touching your walls, you might have noticed that the paint is slowly peeling in that area. Additionally, the edges of your furniture will also leave awful-looking marks on the wall. To keep your light-coloured walls spotless—position your furniture at least two inches from the walls.

Dust your Walls Frequently

Schedule weekly dusting to maintain the pristine condition of your walls. If you overlook your walls for too long—grime and dust can accumulate. Use a damp and clean cloth to wipe your walls from top to bottom. Don’t allow prolonged dirt deposition to ruin the appeal of your paint job. 

Care for High Traffic Areas

Not just soiled hands, leaning against light-coloured walls can also cause dirt and grime to leave unsightly stains. Since dirt from our bodies and hair stick easily, you must properly care for high-traffic areas where people often lean or touch. Pay attention to the wall area near electric switches, doorknobs, and above the sofa or bed (where your head touches the wall), and if required, push the furniture a little farther from the wall. Keep indoor plants away from the walls to avoid water spills and splatters that might leave stains.

Incorporating light-coloured walls can add dimension and light to your room. With these simple maintenance techniques, you can keep your walls looking brand new for many years to come.