Published By: Admin

ITR Refund Scams: Top Red Flags to Watch Out For

The most common line used by scammers is an email stating that the ITR refund for a user has been approved

With the deadline of July 31 for filing income Income Tax Returns (ITR) fast approaching, taxpayers are hurrying to get their returns to avoid last-minute hassles. This last-minute rush to file returns by July 31 has provided a fine opportunity for scammers to exploit the situation and commit financial fraud with sophisticated techniques. With enhanced vigilance from the Income Tax Department in verifying and processing returns and refunds, the last mile for taxpayers is to safeguard against refund scams. Here are the top red flags to watch out for and some essential tips to protect yourself from ITR refund scams.

Red Flag #1

The most common line scammers use is an email stating that the ITR refund for a user has been approved. Most of these messages are like:

"Income tax refund of Rs 15,490 has been approved in your name. The amount will be credited to your account soon. Please verify your account number 5XXXXXXX6755; if it is incorrect, go to the link below and update your bank account details."

Though apparently real, these messages turn out to be a vicious plot to elicit your personal and financial information. The telling warning sign here will be the presence of a link that redirects you to some particular phoney website for gathering your details. If you get this message, just ignore it; above all, don't click the links. The Income Tax Department will never contact you through SMS or email with links to verify your account.

Red Flag #2

Most of the time, these fraudsters fool you into giving your sensitive information by sending a message posing themselves as some officer calling from the Income Tax Department. These fraudulent messages may ask you to verify your account number or other details of your personal information by clicking the link provided below. Please do not respond to this. Any bona fide message from the Income Tax Department would never ask for your personal information through unsolicited messages.

Red flag #3

Therefore, most messages are usually passed through in a manner that emphasises being pushed for time. You may hear messages like this: Your account details must be verified soon to ensure you get your refund. They are trying to get you to act before you think. Refrain from being taken in by these high-pressure methods. Always take the time to verify any contact's legitimacy before falling for this trick.

Red flag #4

Another standard scam method involves fake websites that look like official government pages. These sites mimic the official Income Tax Department website but are designed to collect your personal information. Avoid clicking on unverified links, and always navigate to the Income Tax Department's official website directly from your browser, not through links provided in unsolicited messages. Finally, secure payment methods for financial transactions are used to ensure they are safe and verified.

What to do if you've been scammed

If you believe you have been scammed, take immediate action.

Report the scam: The Cyber Crime Cell or local police can be contacted.

Inform your bank: Report it to your bank for security reasons.

Please report it to the Income Tax Department. Inform them of the scam so they can prevent a similar fraud next time.