Published By: Puja Sinha

Is the Sun Good for Hair? Let's Find Out!

The two contradictory viewpoints on the goodness of the sun for its Vitamin D and the perils of overexposure make one ponder if the sun is at all healthy for hair.

Prolonged exposure to the sun has its risks and perils, which explains scarves, hats, sunscreens and other necessary sun-shielding accessories. Sunlight can alter the appearance of hair. While hair appears healthy and bouncy, when overexposed, it can be ripped off its keratin amount—the protein content in hair.

What does Overexposure do to Hair?

The ultraviolet (UV) rays suck out the moisture and nutrients from the hair and weaken the strands. This leads to frequent breakage and split ends. Further, when the exposure is at an even higher level, it damages the melanin structure and leads to hair lightening. Melanin degradation is the ultimate damage to any healthy hair. Let’s take a look at some common manifestations of hair damage by the sun:

Radical formation is one immediate aftermath of sun exposure which meddles with the quality of your hair.

The hair turns dry and brittle as they are bereft of natural oils.

UV exposure causes fizziness in the hair owing to the loss of protective surface lipids.

Scalp sunburn is a possibility, which can lead to swelling, itching, tenderness, and redness besides pain.

However, exercising caution while out in the sun is required.

Optimum Exposure to Sun Yield Immense Benefits:

So, is complete avoidance of the sun desirable? The answer is no. If the human body is totally deprived of Vitamin D, a series of complications and deficiencies arises. It turns out that sometimes, basking in the sun can reap plenty of benefits for your hair.

Promotes Follicle Growth

Vitamin D has a positive impact on follicle cycling. Vitamin D is also crucial for the absorption of calcium and phosphorous. These two nutrients generate hair growth, cell signalling, and hormone regulation. Sunlight, thus, is essential for maintaining follicle growth and the quality of hair.

Prevents Infections in Scalp

Fungal infection is one of the common and recurring scalp infections, especially in damp and moist weather which is effectively curbed by sunlight. This reduces the chances of hair loss due to oxidative stress and damage to follicles due to itching. Sunlight acts as an antidote to scalp inflammation that often hinders hair growth.

Naturally Healthy Hair

Sun exposure can naturally lighten the hair, giving it a sun-kissed look that many find attractive. This is due to the UV rays breaking down the melanin in the hair, which can lighten the hair colour. Additionally, the mild stress caused by UV exposure can lead to a thicker cuticle layer as a protective response. No wonder the sun makes your hair naturally aesthetic and youthful.

Enhances Circulation

Sun exposure can improve circulation in the scalp, which implies that hair follicles are receiving more oxygen and nutrients for hair growth. Increased circulation helps in the delivery of essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals to the hair follicles, promoting healthier hair. This lends a natural lustre and vitality to the hair. In this way, UV rays can help in thickening the hair cuticle, making the hair appear fuller and more resilient.

Tips for Regulating Sun Exposure

To retain only the goodness that sun can offer, make a conscious effort to avoid peak UV hours, wear hair covering, incorporate a nutrient-rich diet, and hydrate your hair to alleviate the drying effect of the sun. It is also advised to use hair products with UV protection such as spray or leave-in. These products take care of split ends and condition the hair. Head covering such as hat and scarves provides a barrier and limits sun exposure.