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Inside India's Quantum Cryptography Breakthrough: How India's Quantum Cryptography Can Keep Your Accounts Safe

Quantum cryptography can be considered the highest level of a secure communication method, which uses principles of quantum mechanics to secure the data

Indian scientists have recently developed an innovation in the field of quantum cryptography that can genuinely be said to represent a giant leap forward in cyber security. Such new developments spearheaded by a group of researchers from renowned organisations like Raman Research Institute (RRI), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), IISER-Thiruvananthapuram and Bose Institute can mark the path for next-generation digital security. Here is how this ground-breaking story is being told and what consequences it may lead to as far as the protection of your online profiles is concerned.

What is Quantum cryptography

Quantum cryptography can be considered the highest level of a secure communication method, which uses principles of quantum mechanics to secure the data. Quantum Cryptography, unlike conventional methods like classical Cryptography, which only uses mathematics in coding, is based on the principles of nature to maintain data security. The foundation of this technology is the randomness of the produced numbers, which is crucial for the generation of cryptographic keys and the protection of passwords and signatures.

The breakthrough achievement

More recently, the research team at RRI, under the initiative of Professor Urbasi Sinha, laid another important result and made a world record in quantum cryptography by performing a loophole-free violation of the Leggett-Garg Inequality (LGI). This inequality can be used to check a system's 'quantumness' and assures us that the system under test obeys the laws of quantum mechanics.


A photonic experiment undertaken by the team has created a way of producing random numbers. Such an experiment would easily generate random numbers at the rate of 4000 bits/second. More than 9,00,000 random bits were generated, moving the ability to create cryptographic keys that are immune to tampering and/or imperfections forward to a significant degree.

How Does this breakthrough enhance cybersecurity

This bears epoch-making achievement in quantum cryptography, which has tremendous application in cybersecurity. Here's how it can help keep your online accounts safe: Here's how it can help keep your online accounts safe:

Stronger password protection

The new method helps make passwords safer and non-predictable compared to that provenient from the old process.  As Professor Sinha explained, "We have successfully generated random numbers using temporal correlations certified by the Leggett Garg Inequality (LGI) violation. Our experimental setup ensures a loophole-free violation of LGI, providing an additional advantage of generating loophole-free randomness." This increased randomness level implies that passwords generated by these methods are practically challenging to decode.

Enhanced digital signatures

An encrypted digital signature is needed to ensure the credibility of a transaction made over the Internet. The new algorithm for generating new random numbers could result in stronger and more reliable digital signatures that would be difficult for cybercriminals to fake or manipulate.

Secure Cryptographic key generation

Cryptographic keys, used for encoding data, are among the specialties that benefit from this discovery. Dr. Debashis Saha from IISER Thiruvananthapuram noted, "These include the creation of strongly protected passwords, enhanced account security by resisting brute-force attacks, ensuring uniqueness and integrity thereby preventing forgery, and token generation with multi-factor authentication." This specific essence implies that the keys created employing this new method will provide further comprehensive security for encrypted information.

Multi-factor authentication

The increase in entropy can be used to augment existing biometric security systems, which can help multi-factor authentication ensure that only the actual users have access.

Statements from the researchers

Professor Urbasi Sinha highlighted the significance of their achievement, stating, "Our experimental setup ensures a loophole-free violation of LGI, providing an additional advantage of generating loophole-free randomness." Dr. Debashis Saha further elaborated on the broader implications of the breakthrough, explaining, "These include the creation of strongly protected passwords, enhanced account security by resisting brute-force attacks, ensuring uniqueness, integrity thereby preventing forgery and token generation with multi-factor authentication."