Published By: Alfaraz Laique

Important Life Skills to Teach Your Children

Anybody would want their child to learn a thing or two about life. We all do. But the mistake we do is we rely too much on schools and colleges for them to learn but there are some life skills that the new generation should learn from the older ones.

As parents play a major role in bringing up a child, it is very important that skills necessary for living in the world independently are instilled in them right from childhood. Following are the key life skills on which more emphasis needs to be put.

Financial literacy

Teaching children the ways of managing money basically involves saving and budgeting, along with understanding the value of money. Utilize simple tools such as a piggy bank or clear savings jars to make this process easier for them to comprehend. Once they get older, introduce topics such as investing and managing expenses.

Time management

Help them manage their time wisely. Let them use planners or digital calendars to organize all the tasks awaiting them, by priority. This skill will not only aid them in their studies but also in balancing extracurricular activities and personal time.

Communication skills

The art of communication is key to personal and professional relationships. Teach your child how to express himself and then listen. This can be augmented through role-playing situations or family discussions.


Encourage critical thinking and problem-solving by introducing him to a challenge or puzzle. Anything from a complex toy to a real-life problem will do. Walk him through analyzing the problem, brainstorming solutions, and carrying out a plan.

Basic cooking skills

Knowing to cook basic meals is a great asset for any person. Start with basic recipes and proceed to complex ones. Cooking may also be one of those bonding activities when it involves several family members.

Household chores

Let the children learn how to assist in some household responsibilities to instill responsibility and team spirit in them. Assign them chores according to their age and let this be part of their schedule. Instill good personal hygiene habits early. Teach them the importance of frequent hand washing, dental care, and grooming. Let them get into some sort of routine for keeping themselves clean.

Emotional intelligence

Understanding the emotions a person has, and knowing how to manage these emotions, is important for well-being. Help the child become aware of his feelings and talk about how to deal constructively with his feelings. Modeling empathy and offering support during emotional times will help to further reinforce this.

First aid

Basic knowledge of first aid can prove to be priceless. Explain to children how to handle minor injuries, such as cuts or burns, and when to seek a doctor's care. Consider registering them in basic first-aid classes for additional skills.

Social skills

The development of good social skills can help in reaping good friends and rubbing shoulders with people around them. They can be taught good manners of politeness, respect, and reading of social cues. They can be encouraged to participate in group activities and observe good manners.

In that way you allow the child a chance to develop some level of independence and confidence needed to tackle any challenge that may come their way someday. All the discussed skills support each other in the process of development and make them a fully equipped individuals.