How to prevent hydroplaning in vehicles

Hydroplaning is a common threat and there are higher chances of accidents in areas that receive snowfall because of it. There is a need to address this issue in order to ensure the safety of your loved ones.

Let us talk about how we can prevent hydroplaning in vehicle.

Know about treads – Hydroplaning occurs when your tires get slippery due to excessive water that get stored beneath them. It is safe to assume that tires are the main point of contact between the road and your vehicle and you should know about the part that actually touches the ground. It is called tread. The tread of a tire is a groovy part between the sidewalls that actually hits the ground when a tire is used. It is interesting to note that tires come up with different types of tread designs and grooves and they all have different benefits. One should know about the types of treads available in the market and choose the one that helps in preventing hydroplaning, if they find themselves at risk.

Use snow tires in snowfall – One of the major causes of hydroplaning is snowfall. After a place receives a fair amount of snowfall, it becomes hazardous because when snow melts, it turns into water. The road soon gets flooded out of nowhere and it becomes almost impossible to drive your vehicle without and control becomes really difficult. In such scenario, one only can pray about their safety. To avoid the kind of situation, the people who live in places that receive snowfall in adequate amount should choose snow tires as they are water and snow proof. These tires are designed with small dispensers that disperse and throw the water which tries to get under the tire and therefore provides safety.

Road - No matter what kind of tire you use and what type of vehicle you have, your choice of road matters equally. Driving on a snow filled road can be deadly even with the best quality parts and vehicle. To prevent any kind of accident, it is recommended to take a road which is safe and which has a low risk of snow melting. If you take snow filled road in winters, you will have to be extremely careful while driving.

Life jacket – If you are driving on a snow filled road and that too on two-wheeler, there are higher chances of hydroplaning.It might result in falling or an accident. It is because the size of a tyre of a two wheeler vehicle is less than a car and there are high chances of slipping.