Hugging feels comforting - but the magic doesn't really end here. According to research findings, it also offers numerous benefits for both the mind and the body.
The secret to wellness - no matter how fast the world is moving - can still be found in basics. And hugging is one of those simple things that make life beautiful. You see, there's nothing fancy or complicated; just two people connecting and sharing a meaningful moment together. It's free, effortless, and silent - and yet, it can do magic in ways we can't even imagine.
It's Hug Day today - part of the Valentine's Week celebration. On this occasion, let's understand how a simple hug - whether giving or getting - can improve your health significantly.
Simply put, it's oxytocin - also known as cuddle hormone - that makes hugging so amazing. When you hug someone, your brain perceives it as a signal of comfort. As a result, your body produces oxytocin and then releases it through the bloodstream.
Besides the emotional bonding that it leads to, oxytocin also helps reduce levels of cortisol hormones in the body. By doing so, it helps make you feel relaxed and stress-free. And as you may already know, stress is the root cause of numerous issues.
Blood pressure - in simple words - is the force of blood against the walls of your arteries. According to studies, this pressure tends to increase when there's an increased level of cortisol hormones in the body.
By reducing the levels of cortisol, hugging contributes to a sense of relaxation in your blood pressure. Also, it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to a controlled heart rate. And needless to say, it promotes better blood circulation throughout the body.
All these helps control your blood pressure, simultaneously improving the functions of your cardiovascular system. According to a 2021 study, people who get regular hugs are at a 47% lower risk of heart attacks.
Chronic inflammation is one of the growing concerns today, affecting millions worldwide. And as studies have confirmed, it is usually a result of stress. Again, oxytocin plays a major role here in controlling the situation. So, it's clear that hugging can fight inflammation significantly.
To explain it better - when you hug someone, it reduces pro-inflammatory cytokines in the body and activates the parasympathetic nervous system - both help reduce inflammation levels.
Hugging is Healthy!
— Lori Shemek, PhD (@LoriShemek) December 30, 2024
When you get a chance, give a hug. Here are the top health benefits of hugging:
✨Better Sleep
✨Less Illness
✨Improved Heart Health
✨Happiness Hormone Oxytocin
✨Pain Relief
✨Improved Communication
(Credit: Lori Shemek)
And as it goes without saying, lower inflammation means better immune functions. Research from several parts of the world has confirmed that hugging can increase levels of immunoglobulins, lymphocytes, and others that help improve immunity. Moreover, the sense of relaxation triggered by hugging contributes to faster recovery.
So, never underestimate the power of a simple hug. While medicines are expensive, it's free!!!