Get Rid of these 8 Toxic Habits to have a better life.

Often we are trying to improve the quality of our life by starting some good habits like getting up in the morning, going to the gym or practicing Yoga. Even then, we rarely find our expected improvement in the quality of our life. Thus, only good habits can’t change our life. If we are trying to usher in a positive change in our life, we must get rid of these 8 bad habits. Do Not Overthink. We can never make a good decision by thinking over it forever! If we search our inner souls, we will see that we have made the decision instantly, but our self-doubt made us think about it over and over. And as we brood over the subject, we are fraught with a dilemma, which binds us backwards. Don’t be obsessed with Other People’s opinions. Often, before taking a decision, we think about what other people will think about me if I take a step in that direction. However, what matters is our opinion, not others. So, we should listen to our inner voice and march forward. Living for the weekend.If we hate the working days in a week, Monday to Friday, we are wasting a great deal of our life. We may hate the office environment or our co-workers or our boss, but not the day itself. We should set small goal for each of our days and try to enjoy our life. Fearing change.We are often afraid of the unknown. Change is the pathway that brings about this unknown.Every change in our life, even that which brings us adverse situation, makes us stronger, and bolder to face the world. Trying to please everyone.We try to please everyone around us by making a decision. However, what matters is what we want for ourselves. Living paycheck to paycheck.A salesperson's policy is to make us buy unnecessary things which create a dent in our pockets and make us dependent on the next paycheck.We have to get rid of this buying habit. Living in the past.We must try to enjoy the moment instead of living in the past. Talking Oneself Down. Sometimes, self- deprecating thoughts make us doubt ourselves. Instead, we should focus on our strength and remember that only one’s self will be with him forever and try to stay true to ourselves.