Published By: Admin

Garment Wash Care Tips And Tricks For Monsoon:  Keep Your Clothes Smelling Like Fresh Flowers

During monsoons, the accumulation of germs, dirt, and debris on garments is one of the greatest foes. How can you prevent the aggressive moisture and musty smell from ruining your garments during the damp season?

The rainy season relieves us from the sweltering heat and restores nature’s beauty with lush greenery. However, the monsoon also brings many challenges with it—especially when talking about garment care. The frequent showers and increased humidity can play havoc on your garments—due to dampness and mould. To help you combat the monsoon mayhem, we have compiled some essential garment washing and caring tips to maintain hygiene, keeping them fresh and tidy.

Don’t Let Your Clothes Pile Up In The Laundry Bag

Leaving your clothes in the laundry bag for days is the worst idea during the rainy season—especially for drenched garments. You should put your drenched clothes in the washing machine immediately after getting home— to ensure that all grime, germs and dirt—are instantly washed off. It will help eliminate foul smells from your fabrics.

Add Vinegar or Baking Soda with the Detergent

Baking soda or vinegar—when mixed with detergent—helps eliminate odours from clothes. Vinegar has antibacterial properties, and it releases zinc salts, which help loosen dirt and grime sticking to your laundry.

Similarly, soaking your garments in baking soda can serve as a deodoriser. Apart from eliminating the musty smell from your clothes—it will also soften the fabrics. Just adding ½ cup baking soda and vinegar to the rinse cycle of your laundry will help remove odour from them.

Wash Your Garments Inside Out

Grime and sweat stick on the inner side of our garments, causing a foul smell during the monsoon. Therefore, wash the garments inside out. Pour some sweet-smelling fabric softener to add fragrance to your clothes when rinsing.

Wash with Scented Detergent

This simple hack is your ultimate saviour from the monsoon mayhem—treat your clothes to some scented detergent ASAP! Visit your nearest store and get a scented detergent in your preferred fragrance. The detergent will help clean your garments, remove unpleasant smells, and ensure your fabrics smell like fresh flowers.

Dry the Washed Garments

Monsoon is a problematic season for doing laundry, and the greatest challenge involves drying the garments after washing. On cloudy or rainy days—when the sun isn’t shining brightly—drying out water-soaked clothes is a bad idea because they will not dry completely, only leaving them damp and stinky. Damp clothes also develop mildew, and you will not like it. Make sure you are drying your garments in a dry and well-ventilated room, and turn on the ceiling fan to accelerate the drying process.

Iron to Eliminate Moisture

When folding your garments after drying, if they still feel damp, don’t yet put them in your wardrobe—the musty smell will spread to your other clothes. To ensure that the garments are completely free of moisture—iron them to dry. Now you have fresh-smelling, clean and pressed clothes.

Use Camphor balls

Does the unpleasant smell from garments bother you during the rainy season? The excess moisture present in the air makes it worse. Add some camphor balls in your closet to keep your garments smelling fresh. Camphor balls will absorb the moisture, and transmit a pleasant fragrance to your clothes.

From picking suitable fabrics for the rainy season to practising effective laundry hygiene and care, these easy tips and tricks can help deal with the monsoon mayhem while wearing your best clothes and smelling like fresh flowers.