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Galactic Goldmines: List of Natural Resource Reserves in Different Planets as Scientists Detect Huge Diamond Deposits on Mercury

Scientists detected such enormous amount of ores in different planets that can make you wealthy!

Solar system is a complex environment and we only know a tiny bit about it. Thus, curiosity is driving essential technology development for further exploration. In the hunt of alternate habitable options and exploring mineral resources, scientists recently discovered something extraordinary, a diamond deposits in Mercury. In this article, we will discuss about this findings, future prospects, and other planets with natural resources.

Diamond in Mercury:

Scientists at the Center for High-Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research in Beijing detected “a thick layer of diamonds may exist hundreds of miles underneath the surface of Mercury,” according to the published report.

Yanhao Lin, part of research team and co-author of the experiment mentioned: “Mercury's extremely high carbon content made me realize that something special probably happened within its interior.”

Moreover, NASA's Messenger spacecraft detected “anomalously black areas on Mercury's surface.” Researchers mentioned it as graphite, which is a type of carbon.

(Credit - @konstructivizm X handle)

How Diamond was Deposited in Mercury?

Space researchers believe that formation of Mercury is similar to other terrestrial planets. As per recent reports: “Minerals like olivine most likely developed in the mantle. The chemical mixture only solidified at substantially higher temperatures when sulfur was added. Diamond formation is more likely to occur under such circumstances.” According to the computer modeling results: “Diamonds might have formed during the solidification of Mercury's inner core under these altered circumstances.” Eventually, it floated up to the core-mantle barrier due to less density than its core.”

Let's guess, how much diamond is deposited if the estimation is correct. The deposition layer is approximately 15 kilometres thick!

Would it be possible to Extract the Diamond?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. There is no technology currently developed by scientists to extract anything at that high temperature.

According to Mr Lin, “The diamonds might aid in the transfer of heat between the mantle and the core, resulting in temperature differentials and the swirling of liquid iron, which would produce a magnetic field.”

Meanwhile, Mercury is the only planet in the solar system with magnetic field weaker than the Earth.

(Credit - @NASAWebb X handle)

Natural Resources in Other Planets:

Venus: Let's begin with Venus. The scientists detected the presence of sulfur and iron, due to which scientists are hopeful about finding life forms there.

Mars: Interestingly, researchers discovered oxygen, silicon, magnesium, iron, calcium, aluminium, and potassium on Mars surface till now. Gold is also found trace amounts there.

Jupiter: The composition of Jupiter is somewhat similar to the Sun. It contains hydrogen and helium in abundance. It has the largest ocean of hydrogen in the solar system.

Saturn: Similar to Jupiter, Saturn and its satellites contain hydrogen and helium. Additionally, large amount of ice reserve is also discovered.

Neptune & Uranus: These planets have a rich resource of water, ammonia, and methane.

(Credit - @earthcurated X handle)

Earth’s Main Resource:

Ever wondered why our mother planet Earth is so special? Water? Environment? The answer is water! Don't think that, earth is the only planet to have water. The amazing part is, earth’s water reserve is much lower than other planets in the solar system or any other space objects. Remember the movie ‘Battle: Los Angeles’? The scientists in the movie explained why aliens might visit our planet, it's because water is found in frozen form in other planets. There is no other planetary body to have water in liquid form, which is only found in Earth.

Theoretically, different ore resources exist on other planets in solar system. Scientists need advanced monitoring system, technologies to precisely detect the location. Even, scientists are hopeful that, they might found unknown ores or metals in other planets.