Published By: Jayati

Foods you’ve been eating wrong—fix your favourites today!

No more snack blunders after today!

We all have our food quirks, right? But here’s the thing—some of those quirks might just be missing the mark. Like, who knew you could be eating a banana wrong? Or that there’s an art to dunking biscuits? Turns out, there’s a whole world of food tricks that can level up your snack game, save you from messy disasters, and maybe even spare you from a little embarrassment. Ready to see if you’ve been doing it wrong all this time? Let’s get into it!


Most of us peel bananas from the stem because, well, it just seems natural. But you’re actually doing it backwards! The trick is to start from the opposite end, the little tip. Just give it a squeeze, and the peel pops right open. Also, you can use the stem as a handy grip while you eat. Turns out, the banana’s been trying to tell us how to peel it all along!


Cherries are tasty little treats, but those pesky pits can really mess with your flow. Here’s a neat trick: grab a bottle with a narrow opening, place a cherry on top, and use a chopstick to push the pit right through. It’ll drop into the bottle like magic, and you’re left with a perfectly pit-free cherry to enjoy!


If you're over the hassle of peeling an orange and ending up with a mess of tiny skin bits, here's a quick and easy hack that’ll change the game. Just make three simple cuts with a knife: slice off the top and bottom, then cut down one side until you hit the centre. After that, just unfold the skin, and voilà—you’ve got perfectly intact segments ready to enjoy, minus the mess!

French Fries

Can you believe we’ve been eating French fries wrong all this time? It's kind of embarrassing, right? Here’s the deal: slathering ketchup all over your fries might seem like the right move, but it’s actually a quick way to turn those crispy, golden fries into a soggy mess. The real trick? Keep that ketchup on the side and dip away. Your fries deserve better!


We’ve all had our cupcake routines, right? Either you dig straight into the frosting and leave the cake for later, or you try to balance frosting and cake in every bite—definitely a bit tricky. But here’s a game-changer we’ve stumbled upon thanks to the internet. Just cut off the bottom half of the cupcake, flip it over, and press it onto the frosting. Instant cupcake sandwich! Why didn’t we think of this before?


Next up, let’s talk about those irresistible cream-filled biscuits! Want a classy way to dunk your favourite treat without getting your fingers all wet? Here’s the trick: stick a fork into the cream filling and use it to dip your biscuit into the milk. No more awkward twisting and dipping—this is the ultimate refined dunking technique. And it works for any biscuit, whether you’re dipping in milk or tea. Give it a try!


Pizza lovers, here’s a pro tip: if you’re diving into a classic Neapolitan-style pizza, try folding it into a wallet shape. This trick not only keeps all that gooey cheese and tangy tomato sauce from sliding off but also makes it way easier to handle. Forget about holding it by the crust and letting it droop—this is the way to savour every delicious bite.

There’s no strict rulebook when it comes to eating—dunking apple slices in soda or adding oranges to pizza are totally fair game (and who knows, you might start a new trend!). But if you want to elevate your snack game and truly savour every bite, give these tips a whirl.