It’s fascinating to know about some everyday usage things that were once considered dangerous for human beings. We bring you a list of few such things. Air conditioning. In the 1920s and 1930s, air conditioning was invented and mass adopted in America. It gave a general sense of relief to many, but in the political scene, a Democrat from Mississippi filed a complaint against chilled air temperature in the chamber. But a 2013 study revealed the air conditioning had cut heat-related deaths by 80% since the 1960s. Clothes. In a 1901 British article, clothes, especially cotton and linen, as well as garters and waistcoats, were considered a menace to health and life. Reason being that the body breathes through lungs and skin, and non-porous clothing can cause illness to humans. Today we know that cotton is one of the best fabrics, and synthetic materials do cause skin issues. Tea. In the 19th century, tea drinking, especially in women, was considered dangerous. A tea session was seen as threatening the traditional ways as it was seen as women plotting and rebelling or engaging in political deliberations. Public pamphlets were distributed to warn people about the dangers of tea consumption! Tomato. The fruit was dubbed as the “poison apple” when European aristocrats fell sick and later died after eating tomatoes. It was later found that it was paired with the wrong platter. Tomato’s high acidity caused lead poisoning when it was served in a pewter plate. Later, this fear subsided, and tomato became a salad staple. The colour Purple. In the 1900s, an interior designer will never choose a purple shade to paint your home walls with. It was thought that the colour had an evil power to drive a person mad if his eyes continuously look at it for a prolonged period of time. It was not the only colour to avoid; scarlet could cause murderous rage, white could destroy eyesight, and yellow could weaken the system! Dancing. In an early 1900s article, a paper mentioned a doctor quoting that a young girl died due to extreme physical strain caused by the classic dance moves. He said dancing could be especially dangerous for young women. It was also considered highly promiscuous hence, evil for the society. As time passed, dancing was accepted as one of the art forms. It’s fascinating to see how our society evolved over the years, and even the most dangerous things perceived once are accepted with much love.