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DIY Cleaning And Storing Tips To Restore The Shine of Your Brassware At Home

Restore the glistening shine of your fancy brassware with these DIY cleaning and storing methods.

Brass items add a touch of charm and elegance to our homes—but over the years, they lose their lustre and shine. Regular care, proper storage and maintenance are vital to preserve your brass items and their original radiance.

Let us explore some easy and effective DIY techniques that can help restore the shine of your brassware—and some tips to store them to maintain their shine. If you want your brass treasures to look brand new for many years to come, follow the guide below. You will only need some easy-to-find kitchen pantry ingredients to remove tarnish.


Ketchup has a caustic nature—and can serve as an excellent agent to remove tarnish from your favourite brassware. Apply a small patch of ketchup on the brass item and leave it for 10-12 seconds. Next, take a damp cloth and use it to wipe it clean. If this trick works to restore its shine, slather ketchup all over the object and allow it to sit for an hour. Then wash it off with lukewarm, soapy water and air dry it.


Vinegar is also caustic and can polish tarnished brassware. You will need half a cup of vinegar and one teaspoon of salt—stir the concoction until the salt dissolves. Apply the paste all over the brass item’s surface and leave it for about 10 minutes. Rinse it well and wipe it using a dry and clean cloth. If the brass items are heavily tarnished—allow the paste to sit for an hour before rinsing it.

Salt and Lemon

Take a lemon, slice it in half, and pour salt over it. Now take the lemon covered in salt—and scrub it on the tarnished surface of your brass item. You have to squeeze the lemon to release its juice. Lastly, rinse it with lukewarm water and leave it to dry.

Baking Soda and Lemon

Lemon juice, when combined with baking soda—you get a powerful homemade and natural cleaning agent. You have to create a concoction using these two ingredients and slather it all over the surface of your tarnished brassware with a cloth. If the item is severely tarnished—let the baking soda paste sit for an hour. Then rinse it off and buff dry.

Soap and Water

You can soak your brassware in a bucket filled with warm soapy water. Leave it in the water for 15 to 20 seconds. Grab a clean toothbrush or a microfiber cloth to remove stains (if any). The warm soapy water will do the job. However, this method might need a bit more effort than the other cleaning techniques.


Grab your toothpaste (not gel) and slather a thin layer on the surface of your brass items. Allow it to sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Then rinse it off with cold water and wipe it dry with a soft microfibre cloth.

Keep Your Brassware Away from Direct Sunlight and Excessive Moisture

Moisture is the main culprit of tarnishing, so make sure your brass items are stored in a dry and cool place; avoid humid areas. Exposure to direct sunlight may also result in discolouration, so keep your brass items away from windows.

Use a Protective Coating

To maintain the lustre of your brass items and to prevent tarnishing, apply a thin layer of specialised brass wax or brass lacquer. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the specific item you choose to secure—to ensure a thin and even application.

Maintaining the shine of your brassware can be a gratifying endeavour. By following these simple cleaning and storing techniques, you can maintain the visual appeal of your brassware—for many decades to come. With proper and gentle care, your treasures will dazzle for a long time.