Difference between Chinese, Korean and Japanese noodles

Noodles, be it as a delicacy or a staple food choice, are one of the most popular dishes, especially in countries like China, Japan and Korea, but each country has its own share of recipe and preparation process !

Be it instant noodles or ramen like cooked noodles, the popularity for this delicious mouthwatering healthy food is growing more than ever! Noodles are a staple choice in many countries in Asia like China, Japan and Korea, although they are equally viewed in the other parts of the world are different to a great extent, be it in terms of preparation, cooking or serving process. This article presents an overview of how Chinese, Korean and Japanese noodles are different from each other.

Chinese noodles

Just like some other Asian countries, noodles are a staple form of cuisine in China and have been a cultural part of the country since time immemorial! Chinese noodles, Chukamen or Chow mein, are mostly made up of wheat or rice and come in different thicknesses, while other variations made up of oats or millet are also popular. If you are wondering what exactly makes Chinese noodles so different from others, then it should be related to its numerous varieties and absence of any base sauce or "Motodare". Chinese noodles have over 1200 types of variations and different cooking processes and almost like a parent variation to all other noodles served in different parts of the Asian region. The variations in cooking are so diverse that if you are a person who likes sloppy noodles, then probably you can order Chukamen, while in case you are looking for something dry and spicy, Chow mein Hakka variations could be your taste setter!.

Japanese noodles

Defining Japanese noodles and its origination could be debatable, as most of its style and approach has influence from its Chinese counterpart. Japanese Ramen uses wheat noodles which is a Chinese inspired process to make the food thick and tasty. Japanese ramen is served with plain boiled or seasoned noodles in a bowl full of soup or broth and delicious toppings on top of it. Ramen in Japan comes in various shapes and sizes nowadays, unlike traditional times when it was made with a hand-pulled process. What makes Japanese ramen so different from Chinese noodles is its serving process with multiple toppings and its distinct taste of broth!

Korean noodles

Korean noodles or ramen as people call it, is directly inspired from the entire Japanese ramen concept right from its ingredients to the cooking process. What altogether makes ramyeon a different thing from ramen is that it's a form and its spice factor. Ramyeong is mostly available in Korea as an instant noodle in the market with each packet consisting of frozen/ dried vegetables, a sachet of tastemaker and a sachet of powdered soup. Ramyeon are mostly available in the forms of Kimchi, Jjapaghetti, Kkokkomyeon and Shin Ramyun which are some of the most easily available instant noodles in the Korean market.

So these are some of the most noticeable differences amongst Chinese, Japanese and Korean noodles.