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Cosmic Treasure Hunt: Ladakh's Rock Holding the Clues for Red Planet Mysteries?

Rocks are not only mineral deposits, they are simply time keeper of the ancient history!

Ever wondered why scientists rely on studying rocks so much to understand the past? It's nothing less than time travel. Every layer holds different stories of different centuries. It provides essential information about past environment. Earthquake, volcanic eruption, extinction or generation of species, every information is vividly written in the layers of rocks. Thus, scientists are so much focused on analysing the rock samples to understand Earth or solar system’s past as well as future habitation prospects in other planets. In this hunt, rocks collected from India’s one of the famous tourist destinations, Ladakh are playing crucial role. Let's understand how scientists are unearthing the history to shape the humanity’s future.

(Credit - @PIB_India X handle)

About Recent Findings:

A Unique Observation: Researchers from Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences (BSIP) in Lucknow witnessed peculiar similarities between the “rock varnish” in Ladakh and on Mars, obtained by the Perseverance rover. The research team have unearthed some fossil remains of magnetic particles, regarded as magnetofossils in Ladakh. Meanwhile, the magnetofossils are the remnants of magnetic particles generated by “magnetotactic bacteria”, a group of microorganisms love to strive in areas devoid of oxygen.

Life in the Past: The study detected an elevated concentrations of “oxidized manganese (Mn4+) and carboxylic acid functionalities on the varnish surface.” This indicates the occurrence of organic signatures at some point of time. Modern technologies like X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) was employed to analyse the rock surface.

(Credit - @NASAPersevere X handle)

Future Prospects: According to the team, this novel study focuses on the importance of biotic processes during rock varnish formation. The researchers are hopeful to get new insights about “life’s adaptability in extreme environments and enhancing our understanding of astrobiology,” according to the Department of Science and Technology (DST).

Why Ladakh?

For a long time, scientists have been focusing on Mars environment as a potential solution for alternate habitable options. However, the planet is filled with volcanoes, ice caps, harsh weather where humans cannot breathe. Water is found only as icy dirt and thin clouds.

Often regarded as “cold desert of India”, Ladakh witness harsh climatic conditions including drastic temperature fluctuations, intense ultra violet (UV) radiation, lack of water supply. Due to this, Ladakh is preferred by scientists as terrestrial analogue for Martian environment.

(Credit - @NASAPersevere X handle)

Search for Life on Mars:

The environment of Mars is quite similar to early days on the planet Earth. Thus, “Mars remains our horizon goal for human exploration because it is one of the only other places we know where life may have existed in the solar system,” according to NASA. Thus, understanding the distribution of water on the red planet is of utmost importance. With the hope of analysing Mars environment and probable hint of life, NASA launched robotic science rover, named as Perseverance rover on July 30, 2020. As per recent reports, NASA is preparing for crewed mission to the Mars by 2030.

Will the recent observations in Ladakh rock help finding alternate habitats for us? Only time will tell!