Published By: Jayati

Beauty products that aren’t doing you any favors: Time to swap them out!

Save your cash and avoid the chemical cocktail of pointless beauty products. Stick to what works and keep your routine fuss-free!

We all want to look good and stay healthy. So, we head to the beauty aisle, picking up fancy creams and cleansers with big promises. But honestly, most of it is just pricey soap and moisturiser wrapped in shiny packaging. Surprising, but true. So, which products are all hype and no help? Let’s find out!

Facial cleansing devices 

Facial cleansing devices aren’t always the magic fix they claim to be. Overusing them can mess with your skin, leaving it dry and irritated. Most skincare pros say your hands are more than enough to get the job done. So, those fancy gadgets? Probably just an expensive extra you don’t really need!


Most people won’t want to hear this, but it’s true! We've all been told that toner is a must for skincare, but honestly, that’s old news. Toners were originally just for getting rid of soap residue, and nowadays, most cleansers don’t leave much behind. So, you can totally skip this step and save some time (and money)!

Peel-off and overnight masks 

If you're into K-beauty, chances are you've tried those overnight masks after piling on essences and serums. Nothing wrong with that, but if you've already got a solid moisturiser, you're good to go. And peel-off masks, like those trendy charcoal ones? Sure, they can yank out dirt, but they also take off skin cells and even some tiny facial hairs, leaving your skin feeling a bit too raw. Honestly, you're better off with gentle exfoliators like salicylic or glycollic acid. They'll get the job done without all the drama!

Lip scrubbers

Products that claim to be "specially designed" for just one part of your body? Pass them up! Don’t fall for those pricey lip scrubs or fancy oils. Your lips do a pretty good job of exfoliating themselves. Just wash them with a cloth and slap on some moisturiser.

Expensive creams 

You don’t have to spend a fortune on pricey creams to get good skin. What really counts are the ingredients. Look for stuff like ceramides and hyaluronic acid—they’re great for moisturizing. And honestly, you don’t need separate creams for your neck or eyes; just use your regular face moisturizer. Additionally, a good night’s sleep and healthy eating go a long way!

Facial rollers 

Gua Sha and face rollers are all the rage these days, promising everything from de-puffing to energy cleansing. But there’s not a tonne of science proving they’re better than a good facial massage or some simple facial exercises. They’re fun to use, sure, but don’t worry if they don’t work magic. Sometimes, the basics are all you need!

Collagen products 

Collagen is all the rage in skin care because it keeps skin firm and youthful. As we age, our natural collagen levels drop, leading to wrinkles. That’s why collagen creams and serums are so popular. However, collagen molecules are too large to penetrate beyond the surface layer of your skin. They mainly offer hydration and a bit of plumpness on the surface. For real skin improvements, look for products that support your skin’s own collagen production. 

Remember, there’s no magic potion for eternal youth—just solid basics like antioxidants, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid. If you’ve got specific skin woes, a dermatologist’s advice is way better than random online tips. Good skin is mostly about genes and lifestyle, and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune!