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Add a crunchy twist to salads with these nuts

A nutty surprise is a good way to turn any boring salad into a tasty feast

Salads are the epitome of fresh, healthy eating, but sometimes they can feel a little...well, dull. Adding nuts to your salads can transform them from plain to phenomenal. Not only do nuts add a satisfying crunch, but they also bring in extra nutrients and a burst of flavor that can elevate your salad game.

Why Nuts Are a Great Addition to Salads

Nuts are a powerhouse of nutrients. They are packed with healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These little gems can help keep you full longer, support heart health, and add a depth of flavor that is simply unmatched. Plus, their crunchy texture contrasts beautifully with the fresh, crisp vegetables in your salad. Including nuts in salads is also an easy way to make your meal more satisfying without adding empty calories.

Popular Nuts for Salads

Here are some of the best nuts to sprinkle on your salads:


Flavor: Slightly sweet and nutty.

How to Use: Sliced, slivered, or chopped. Toast them for extra flavor. Toasting brings out their natural sweetness and adds a wonderful crunch.

Perfect Pairings: Almonds go great with mixed greens, citrus fruits, and creamy cheeses like goat cheese or feta. Try a salad with arugula, orange segments, and slivered almonds topped with a light vinaigrette.


Flavor: Rich and slightly bitter.

How to Use: Chopped or halved. They can also be candied for a sweeter twist. To candy walnuts, simply toss them in a bit of sugar and bake until caramelized.

Perfect Pairings: Walnuts complement apples, blue cheese, and spinach wonderfully. A classic spinach salad with apple slices, blue cheese crumbles, and toasted walnuts is a perfect example.


Flavor: Buttery and sweet.

How to Use: Chopped, halved, or toasted. Pecans are especially delicious when toasted lightly to bring out their natural oils and enhance their flavor.

Perfect Pairings: Pecans shine in salads with dried cranberries, arugula, and a balsamic vinaigrette. For a holiday twist, mix pecans with roasted butternut squash and cranberries over a bed of mixed greens.


Flavor: Creamy and slightly sweet.

How to Use: Whole or chopped. Cashews can be lightly roasted to enhance their creamy texture.

Perfect Pairings: Cashews are perfect for Asian-inspired salads with ingredients like mandarin oranges, edamame, and sesame dressing. A popular combination is mixed greens with shredded carrots, red cabbage, mandarin slices, and cashews, dressed with a sesame-ginger vinaigrette.


Flavor: Mild and slightly sweet.

How to Use: Shelled and chopped. They can be roasted and salted for extra flavor.

Perfect Pairings: Pistachios go well with beets, goat cheese, and arugula. A simple salad with roasted beets, arugula, crumbled goat cheese, and chopped pistachios is both colorful and delicious.


Flavor: Rich and slightly sweet.

How to Use: Chopped or toasted. Toasting hazelnuts brings out their natural sweetness and gives them a delightful crunch.

Perfect Pairings: Hazelnuts pair well with roasted vegetables, mixed greens, and tangy dressings. Try a salad with roasted carrots, mixed greens, and hazelnuts with a honey mustard dressing for a delicious combination.

Nuts add a delightful crunch that contrasts beautifully with the fresh, crisp vegetables in salads. This textural variation can make a simple salad more exciting to eat. Additionally, the unique flavors of different nuts—whether it's the slight sweetness of almonds, the rich bitterness of walnuts, or the creamy smoothness of cashews—throw a crunchy surprise on your salad. Healthy and tasty.