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8 iconic Aussie desserts for anyone with a sweet tooth

The land down under has some of the best kept secrets when it comes to sweets


Named after the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova, this dessert is as graceful and airy as its namesake. Pavlova features a crisp meringue shell with a soft, marshmallow-like interior. What makes it truly special is the contrast between the crunchy exterior and the pillowy center. Topped with a generous helping of fresh fruits like strawberries, kiwi, passionfruit, and sometimes even a dollop of whipped cream, is the perfect dessert for summer barbecues and festive gatherings.


Lamingtons are quintessentially Australian and perfect for an afternoon tea or a sweet snack. These delightful squares of sponge cake are dipped in a rich chocolate icing and then rolled in desiccated coconut. Some versions include a layer of raspberry jam or cream in the middle, adding an extra element of surprise. They can be enjoyed plain or jazzed up with fillings, making them a staple in Aussie bakeries and homes alike.


Anzac Biscuits

These crunchy, golden biscuits hold a special place in Australian history. Anzac biscuits are made from rolled oats, coconut, flour, butter, golden syrup, and baking soda. They were sent by wives and women's groups to soldiers because the ingredients didn't spoil easily and could withstand long voyages. Perfect with a cup of tea, Anzac biscuits is a piece of Australian heritage.

Tim Tams

While Tim Tams are not typically homemade, they are a national favorite and a cultural icon. These chocolate-coated biscuits with a creamy filling are an essential part of Australian snacking. The Tim Tam Slam—biting off the ends and using the biscuit as a straw to drink hot beverages like coffee or hot chocolate is a classic experience.  The warmth of the drink melts the inner cream, creating a luscious, gooey delight.

Fairy Bread

A nostalgic treat that takes many Aussies back to their childhoods, fairy bread is a simple yet magical creation. It involves spreading butter on slices of white bread and generously sprinkling them with hundreds and thousands (tiny, colorful sugar sprinkles). Often served at children's parties, fairy bread is celebrated for its bright colors and delightful crunch. It's a testament that sometimes the simplest things can bring the most joy.

Golden Gaytime

This iconic ice cream treat has been a favorite since the 1950s. The Golden Gaytime consists of a core of toffee and vanilla ice cream, coated in a layer of chocolate and then rolled in honeycomb biscuit crumbs. The mix of creamy ice cream, rich chocolate, and crunchy honeycomb is a mouthful of explosion with every bite.

Jelly Slice

This dessert features three enticing layers: a vibrant jelly, a sweet custard, and a creamy topping, all resting on a crunchy biscuit base. Often adorned with fresh fruit extracts that match the jelly's color, the jelly slice is as beautiful as it is tasty. For instance, a mango jelly layer boasts bright yellow and orange hues, while a strawberry jelly layer offers a tempting red shade. This colorful and appetizing dessert is a beloved classic in Australian cuisine.

Iced Vo-vo

Each Iced VoVo consists of a crisp, buttery biscuit base topped with a strip of pink fondant icing on either side, a strip of raspberry jam running down the center, and a generous sprinkle of shredded coconut over the top. What makes the Iced VoVo so special is its perfect balance of sweetness and crunch. The biscuit itself is slightly crumbly, providing a wonderful contrast to the smooth, sweet icing and the tangy, fruity jam.